Was the Satanic panic the result of mass hysteria, or was there truth to the chilling claims from self-described survivors? Why did the wave of victims stepping forward seem to dissipate in the mid-1990s and why is there another wave of victims coming forward now? ABUSE OF POWER VOL. 2: BLACK MASS investigates if there is any evidence behind their claims and whether or not they corroborate one another.
On February 7, 1987, the Washington Post published an article entitled Officials Describe ‘Cult Rituals’ in Abuse Case, (backup link) wherein a child abuse case involving six child victims led to the arrests of two adult men with ties to Washington, D.C. The article described how a criminal syndicate was said to be kidnapping children, keeping them in chains, trafficking them across state lines, and forcing them to participate in ritual sacrifices of goats on at least two occasions.
The children were kept “dirty, unkempt, hungry, disturbed, and agitated,” according to a court document. Five of the six children were unresponsive, and only one girl was able to describe what they had been through. (Additional articles here and here)
According to Special Agent Ramon J. Martinez of the United States Customs Service, when police raided the warehouse used in the brainwashing, they discovered large plastic bags containing photographs of child porn, a video production room, and what appeared to be an altar.
This case eventually led to a much larger investigation of a group called The Finders, led by a man named Marion Pettie. The Finders was comprised of at least 40 members who lived in a 1960s style commune that spanned from Virginia down to Florida. The D.C. police had learned about The Finders from a confidential source who informed police he had been recruited by the group with promises of money, sex, and an invitation to explore Satanism with them.
Seven years would pass before another news agency covered the Finders. US News & World Report published an article on December 19, 1993 entitled Through a Glass, Very Darkly which briefly mentioned the conspiracy theories surrounding the case, principally that of CIA involvement.
“The Justice Department has begun a new investigation into the Finders and into the group’s activities. It is also reviewing the 1987 investigation into the group to determine whether that probe was closed improperly. Justice officials will not elaborate, except to say the investigation is “ongoing” and that it involves “unresolved matters” in relation to the Finders.
One of the unresolved questions involves allegations that the Finders are somehow linked to the Central Intelligence Agency. Customs Service documents reveal that in 1987, when Customs agents sought to examine the evidence gathered by Washington, D.C., police, they were told that the Finders investigation “had become a CIA internal matter.” The police report on the case had been classified secret.”
Despite a preponderance of evidence propelling the momentum of the investigation, Special Agent Martinez claims he was informed that the case had suddenly been declared an “internal matter” of the CIA.
“I was advised that the FBI had withdrawn from the investigation several weeks prior and that the FBI Foreign Counter Intelligence Division had directed MPD not to advise the FBI Washington Field Office of anything that had transpired. No further information will be available. No further action will be taken.”
The CIA officially denounced this theory but acknowledged that a firm that had provided computer training to the CIA also employed several members of The Finders.
Independent investigations later revealed that the computer firm was not merely an employer of members of The Finders but was in fact owned by the cult outright. Why would the CIA outsource training of its officers to a private contractor owned by a child trafficking cult? Could The Finders be a front group for bad actors in the CIA?
Furthermore, the US News & World Report article described other real-world ties the CIA had to the cult’s leader, Marion Pettie.
“…the CIA’s interest in the Finders may stem from the fact that his late wife once worked for the agency and that his son worked for a CIA proprietary firm, Air America.”
Despite many news agencies dismissing these cult members as hippie beatniks, search warrants eventually unearthed evidence of much more intriguing crimes. According to memoirs from Special Agent Martinez,
“On Thursday, February 5, 1987, Senior Special Agent Harrold and I assisted the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) with two search warrants involving the possible sexual exploitation of children. During the course of the search warrants, numerous documents were discovered which appeared to be concerned with international trafficking in children, high tech transfer to the United Kingdom, and international transfer of currency.”
The FBI officially declassified all files pertaining to The Finders on October 25, 2019. As NewsWars summarized,
“After several paragraphs of redacted information, the FBI disclosed that someone “has alleged that the Finders are involved in a well-organized child abuse scheme, and that [redacted] in conjunction with the State Department, and the FBI’s foreign counterintelligence section, conspired to cover up those abuses.”
Search warrants were also executed at a warehouse involving “classified maps of [an] underground tunnel/sewer system” in Washington D.C.
As Mint Press News points out,
“Bizarrely, a map relating to the McMartin Preschool scandal is also included in the publication for no known reason, since at this time the cases are completely unrelated aside from both having contained allegations of satanic abuse.”
The McMartin Preschool scandal was heavily investigated by Ted Gunderson (part two), former FBI Special Agent and head of Los Angeles division, and at the time was arguably the closest the world came to learning about highly organized human trafficking networks of the rich and famous. However, after several years of trials, all charges were dropped by 1990. The connection between The Finders and the McMartin Preschool scandal in the FBI disclosure has only further piqued the suspicion of investigative journalists and fanned the flames of conspiracy theories of high-level corruption.
In 1988, the year following the Washington Post’s exposé on The Finders, Geraldo Rivera produced an investigative report entitled Devil Worship: Exposing Satan’s Underground which became the highest-rated televised documentary at that time. In the program, Rivera outraged viewers everywhere by showcasing multiple instances of ritual human sacrifice. He also interviewed self-proclaimed survivors of Satanic ritual abuse who shared stories that seemingly corroborated one another.
Television audiences were appalled again a year later when a woman named Vicki Polin appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show claiming to have escaped a multi-generational Satanic family bloodline. Polin claimed that she was sexually abused by the cult when she was a child, that they farmed human babies for ritual sacrifice, and that they perfectly blended into society as normal people.
That same year in London, England, a 15-year-old girl named Teresa told 60 Minutes Australia that her grandmother forced her into a Satanic pedophile network that engaged in ritual human sacrifice and cannibalism.
Teresa explained that she was forced by the cult to abort her own baby, to perform sex acts on animals, and to be raped by up to 30 adults at the same time during Satanic ceremonies. Journalist Ian Leslie described Teresa’s account as “the most painful and disturbing story” he ever had to report on in his 27-year career.
Teresa believes the cult members were very wealthy and powerful members of society. Her mother believes that the network operates on a scale that is vast beyond comprehension.
In the case of Teresa, police launched an investigation and found medical reports that demonstrated evidence of sustained sexual abuse. Ultimately, 5 men were charged with rape while her grandmother was charged with 7 counts of aiding and abetting rape and 2 counts of performing abortions on Teresa although these charges were dropped later that year.
The 60 Minutes program featured a sex abuse counselor who claimed to have heard 21 similar testimonies from other survivors in the last 2 years.
On May 17, 1991, the Chicago Tribune published a story entitled A Chilling Tale of Child Abuse No One Can Prove which discussed the testimonies of nine children – whose experiences corroborated one another – who alleged that they were abused in Satanic rituals. The article acknowledged the rising wave of victims stepping forward.
“Allegations of satanic ritual abuse of children go back centuries, but they have taken a sharp upturn since 1980.”
“As more children are encouraged to step forward and expose adults who hurt them, police are encountering more cases of child abuse accompanied by allegations of occult rituals.”
The article insists that the accusations from these victims were so unbelievable that unfortunately they were viewed as dead ends for the authorities.
“People are getting away with molesting children because we can`t prove there are satanic devil worshippers eating people. Pretty soon it becomes unprosecutable.”
As unbelievable as the stories seemed, the author of the Chicago Tribune article commented on the credibility of these claims.
“And how could so many children, many of whom didn`t know one another, make up such a similar story? They said they were forced to participate in the killing of animals, that they were cut with knives, and that some of them were sexually abused. Their drawings depicted satanic symbols and people and animals being tortured.”
By 1993, allegations of ritual abuse became so commonplace that a training manual was compiled for law enforcement entitled Satanic Cult Awareness which was later published by the United States Department of Justice to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service. The training manual elucidates the five types of Satanic masses and the entire annual calendar for Satanic holy days, known as sabbats, which are celebrated either with orgies, animal sacrifices, human sacrifices, cannibalism, or other such ceremonies.
“Rituals are conducted at most of these masses and are used as a tool to bring about a change in the state of consciousness among the participants. Drugs, colors, music, chants, words and meditative practices are used to enhance or mesmerize the participants.”
The training manual describes Halloween, referred to as Samhain (sa-ween), as the most significant holy day observed in the Satanic calendar. The manual states that rituals on Halloween involve blood, sex, demons, and human sacrifice. This may come as a shock to most who celebrate Halloween as a day of lighthearted fun. Is it truly possible that Halloween is a day of human sacrifice?
In 2001, Jeremiah Films put out a documentary entitled Halloween: Trick or Treat which features former Satanist Glenn Hobbs whose testimony corroborates the cult awareness training manual published by the Department of Justice. Hobbs insists that he and other children were drugged and trafficked by a Satanic network that ritually sacrifices babies on Halloween, among other days.
This wave of victims making headlines throughout the 1980s and 90s, now referred to as the Satanic Panic, is said to have been a period of mass hysteria and is often compared to the Salem witch trials.
Vox attempted to debunk this period of “social hysteria” in an article published on March 21, 2021 entitled Why Satanic Panic Never Really Ended.
“Through it all, the media fueled a public wave of fear which took entire groups of rational, thinking adults to collectively enact.”
Was the Satanic Panic truly just a paranoid delusion of the masses or was there perhaps truth behind the hysteria? If the victims were telling the truth, just how vast and pervasive are these Satanic pedophile networks?
In 2001, Cheryl and Lynn Hersha published their experiences as victims of Satanic ritual abuse in a book entitled Secret Weapons: Two Sisters’ Terrifying True Story of Sex, Spies, and Sabotage. The sisters describe their involvement in a covert government program which subjected the sisters to psychological trauma and experimental training in the book which includes declassified CIA files and testimonies from military personnel. Because the book was viewed as fiction, it did not receive widespread attention.
Generally speaking, there was a lull in new victims of the so-called Satanic Panic for nearly 15 years between roughly 1993 and 2007, during which time those who did step forward typically worked with small self-funded media programs and not major news outlets.
Now, with the clarity of hindsight, it seems that mainstream television networks were caught off guard by the early stories of Satanic ritual abuse. By 1993, it seems that they had been given a gag order as virtually all coverage of survivor testimonies was prohibited unless it attempted to debunk them.
Eventually, the advent of the internet afforded victims the ability to bypass the gatekeepers in the mainstream press by using video-streaming websites like YouTube to self-publish their testimonies for the world to see.
Karly Franz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1BgESUgBck (0:00 and also 7:43)
Fiona Barnett https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Q3yH9EIPfs
Teal Swan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVpsMBeTjHY
Nathan Reynolds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJetXrRxmEg (starts at 08:45)
Aria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-1Made2BVk (explosive claims at 11:04 and 13:53)
Nancy Dunn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQY778AOCGk (25:48)
One can look to the account of Anneke Lucas. After 40 years of silence, Lucas finally stepped forward claiming she was raped thousands of times as a child by a network of rich, powerful, and famous individuals from around the world that also routinely murdered children. (Additional interview one and two and three)
Lucas’ claims of Satanic ceremonies attended by powerful luminaries involving orgies and child sacrifice were corroborated in April of 2017 by a wealthy Dutch banker and entrepreneur named Ronald Bernard who explained how he personally witnessed child sacrifice rituals.
“Nowadays we still talk about 8,000-8,500 people who run the entire world.”
“And I also was in contact with those circles, only I laughed at it because to me they were just clients. So I went to places called Churches of Satan. So I visited these places and they were doing their Holy Mass with naked women and liquor and stuff. And it just amused me. I didn’t believe in any of this stuff and was far from convinced any of this was real. In my opinion, the darkness and evil is within the people themselves. I didn’t make the connection yet.
“So I was a guest in those circles and it amused me greatly to see all those naked women and the other things. It was the good life. But then at some moment, which is why I am telling you this, I was invited to participate in sacrifices abroad.
That was the breaking point. Children.”
A woman using the pseudonym Svali appeared on the Investigative Journal on January 17, 2006, claiming to be a former Illuminati mind control programmer. She described a secret cabal that routinely engages in child sacrifice, mind control, sexual abuse, etc. Her website is a trove of valuable information on the occult.
In the interview, Svali explained that all members of the Illuminati are forced to endure human sacrifice rituals that are conducted in the Vatican in a secret subterranean chamber, accessed by a door hidden behind a giant painting. Perhaps this can help explain why a statue of a child sacrifice god, Moloch, was erected in Rome in 2019. When Svali attempted to escape from the organization and rescue her kids in the process, she was met with death threats, court cases, and restraining orders. Shortly after authoring several articles and speaking on a handful of radio shows, Svali disappeared entirely.
As shocking and unbelievable as it may seem to the uninitiated, the evidence of a global pedophile empire pulling the strings of government, finance, and entertainment is gravely profound. Self-proclaimed survivors of Satanic ritual abuse have stepped forward to share their horrific stories that demonstrate the scale and depravity of what occurs in the shadows of society. For decades, they have been ignored and ridiculed.
Whether these self-proclaimed survivors of Satanic ritual abuse are truthful or not is uncertain. Every specific claim must be analyzed on its own while simultaneously cross-checking each account for patterns. In doing so, one thing becomes abundantly clear. Many of the specific details from each of their testimonies are hauntingly similar.
With all of the evidence on the table, the world is finally acknowledging that sociopathy and perdition has festered at the highest levels of society and it has remained hidden in plain sight.
Thank you for making this.
Great job once again. Thank you for exposing these evil crimes of children and the defenseless. God bless you
Keep up the great work! I appreciate the transcript with links to sources.
The very first image of the man should be removed! Those children were lying it was a child custody battle between two parents. Those kids mother and new bf told them what to say. They knew what was happening around them in the UK and used it to coach the children.