John Davison Rockefeller is likely responsible for more deaths than any other human who ever lived. Between ruthlessly constructing an oil monopoly, cofounding the Federal Reserve, and standardizing medicine across the West, this man certainly steered the world towards tyranny and corruption like no other. Written by Adam Riva and edited by Mouthy Buddha, HUMAN PHARMING: BLACK GOLD digs up the roots of the modern healthcare system and the evidence of global conspiracy to keep humanity sick and dependent.
“John D. Rockefeller Was the Richest Person to Ever Live. Period.” claimed Smithsonian Magazine in 2017. Rockefeller passed away at age 98 on May 23, 1937. The very next day, the New York Times printed an obituary which described his many philanthropic donations.
“Mr. Rockefeller’s benefactions from 1855 to 1934 totaled $530,853,632, of which the greater amount went to the four great foundations he established for the purpose of handling his charities. They were the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial, in memory of his wife, and the General Education Board.”
The cumulative rate of inflation from 1937 to February of 2022 is 2,716%. Adjusting for inflation, John Rockefeller donated $15 billion throughout the course of his life. $15 billion dollars can move mountains. A deeper look at where this money went paints a clearer picture of the type of person Mr. Rockefeller was.
The NY Times article goes on to describe the activities of the Rockefeller Foundation, which was founded in 1913, the same year as John Rockefeller’s side project, the Federal Reserve.
“World-wide in scope, its activities were largely directed to medical research in recent years. The 1936 annual report declared it to be devoted to the “advancement of knowledge with research as the chief tool.” It financed work in the natural sciences, social sciences, medical science, the humanities, public health. It does no research of its own.”
Since the Rockefeller Foundation conducted no research of its own, it instead funded other organizations to accomplish its goals. The article describes various donations and milestones the foundation reached including financially supporting the International Health Board, establishing the China Medical Board in 1914, funding the Graduate School at Harvard in 1919, establishing the Division of Medical Education in 1920, providing financial support for the Red Cross and the United War Work Fund, and funding the Teachers College of Columbia University in 1920.
It also made substantial donations to the General Education Board at Washington University, Johns Hopkins, University of Chicago, Vanderbilt, Rochester, Yale Medical School, and Meharry Medical College.
Apart from the $15 billion in donations that the Rockefeller Foundation made, John himself made numerous private donations that totaled $168 million after adjusting for inflation.
According to the New York Times article,
“Mr. Rockefeller made smaller gifts that aggregated less than $100,000 each but totaled $5,962,839.93.”
Of course, these are merely the donations that were disclosed to the public. This amount of money can accomplish quite a lot. Now, imagine what it could accomplish over a century ago when news spread much slower.
John Rockefeller personally founded the University of Chicago in 1892. In 1901, he founded the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. This was his first philanthropic organization. The NY Times article introduces us to Rockefeller’s righthand man.
“…at the second annual meeting it was decided to centralize all research work in the institute’s own laboratory… Dr. Simon Flexner resigned as Professor of Pathology in the University of Pennsylvania to become director of the institute.”
Who was Dr. Simon Flexner, and why did John Rockefeller trust him so much to appoint him to this esteemed position?
Simon Flexner, born March 25, 1863, was an American pathologist who discovered polio antibodies in 1911 and worked toward developing the first polio vaccine. At the time, only a small handful of vaccines had been developed, but Flexner was a major proponent of vaccination. Vaccines, even from the early days, were patentable property which ensured a windfall profit in the event of a pandemic. That’s not to say that every vaccine ever developed has been patented, as Jonas Salk, creator of the polio vaccine, famously decided not to patent his vaccine.
Simon Flexner hailed from a family of nine children. He had 6 brothers and 2 sisters. The Flexner family became heavily involved in medicine. Simon’s eldest brother, Jacob, aspired to become a doctor, although he eventually became a pharmacist and ran a small drug store. Abraham, who will we investigate more thoroughly in a moment, became the most instrumental person in the standardization of medical education in America in the early 20th century.
According to a document published by UC Davis entitled History of Drug Discovery and Development,
“In the early days, until the late 1800s, most drugs were based on herbs or extraction of ingredients from botanical sources.
The synthetic drugs using chemical methods were heralded at the beginning of the 1900s, and the pharmaceutical industry was founded. Many drugs were researched and manufactured, but mostly they were used for therapeutic purposes rather than completely curing the diseases.
From the early 1930s, drug discovery concentrated on screening natural products and isolating the active ingredients for treating diseases. The active ingredients are normally the synthetic version of the natural products. These synthetic versions, called new chemical entities (NCEs), have to go through many iterations and tests to ensure they are safe, potent, and effective.”
What can account for this massive and sudden 180 degree turn from natural medicine to synthetic medicine? Was this cultural shift entirely driven by discoveries in science, or was it pushed in this direction by special interests?
Industrialist Andrew Carnegie and investment banker JP Morgan strongly believed in allopathic medicine, or at least its profits. Carnegie and Morgan worked together to expand the influence of the experimental field of allopathic medicine across the West. Ken Adachi, investigative reporter of, gives us greater insight into how Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan, and other wealthy aristocrats conspired to influence the entire medical system for profit.
“Abraham Flexner was engaged by John D. Rockefeller to run around the country and ‘evaluate’ the effectiveness of therapies taught in medical schools and other institutions of the healing arts. Rockefeller wanted to dominate control over petroleum, petrochemicals, and pharmaceuticals (which are derived from ‘coal tars’ or crude oil). He arranged for his company, Standard Oil of New Jersey to obtain a controlling interest in a huge German drug cartel called I. G. Farben. He pulled in his stronger competitors like Andrew Carnegie and JP Morgan as partners, while making other, less powerful players, stockholders in Standard Oil. Those who would not come into the fold “were crushed” according to a Rockefeller biographer.” (W. Hoffman, David: Report on a Rockefeller {New York: Lyle Stuart, Inc., 1971} page 24.)
Rockefeller used his foundations to control the education system. Historians like Eustace Mullins have pointed out that Rockefeller’s foundations were effectively lobbying organizations that offered large grants and donations to those who would play ball. Everything was being influenced by money including university medical curriculums, health insurance, hospital protocols, and official stances of medical institutions like the American Medical Association. The AMA, which existed since 1847, was then commandeered and granted exclusive authority for the issuance of physician’s licenses and the certification process of schools. Much like how today’s globalists are promoting the Great Reset to overhaul the world economy, Rockefeller and his coterie promoted this Great Reset of the healthcare system. Various industries of the West were rapidly being standardized and preapproved.
According to,
“Abraham Flexner, the owner of a bankrupt prep school, had the good fortune to have a brother, Simon, who was director of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. At his brother’s suggestion, Abraham Flexner was hired by the Rockefeller-allied Carnegie Foundation so that the report would not be seen as a Rockefeller initiative. And Andrew Carnegie, whose main goal was to “rationalize” higher education, that is, replace religion with science, saw the American Medical Association cartelization drive as useful.
Claiming to have investigated nearly every school in the country, Flexner rated them on suitability. Schools he praised received lush grants from the Rockefeller and associated foundations, and almost all the medical schools he condemned were shut down, especially the “commercial” institutions.
AMA-dominated state medical boards ruled that in order to practice medicine, a doctor had to graduate from an approved school. Post-Flexner, a school could not be approved if it taught alternative therapies, didn’t restrict the number of students, or made profits based on student fees.”
To recap everything we have just covered, John Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie were conspiring with many other wealthy acolytes to standardize medicine and push the cultural zeitgeist from natural to synthetic. They achieved this through cooperation between their respective foundations. Meanwhile, Rockefeller’s righthand man and Director of the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research, Simon Flexner, suggested to Andrew Carnegie that he should hire his brother Abraham. Carnegie agreed and hired Abraham to compile a report on all medical schools in the nation. Schools that the Carnegie Foundation disapproved of, using the AMA as a weapon, were shut down while schools he approved of received lush grants.
Abraham’s assessment is officially entitled Medical Education in the United States and Canada although it is commonly referred to as the Flexner Report.
In this quote from page 22 of the Flexner Report, we get a clear picture of the medical system that Abraham promotes. He asserts that there must be gatekeepers to regulate who can become a doctor and who can’t to protect the public from doctors who do not conform to the orthodoxy.
“The privileges of the medical school can no longer be open to casual strollers from the highway. It is necessary to install a doorkeeper who will, by critical scrutiny, ascertain the fitness of the applicant, … by consideration for a public entitled to protection.”
What followed was the AMA’s systematic suppression – using bribery, propaganda, and coercion – on all schools teaching anything other than allopathic medicine. There was a campaign against such practices as Ayurvedic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, naturopathy, chiropractic, acupuncture, and other traditional forms of therapy. The public’s conception of what was considered “conventional medicine” was quickly shifting from natural to synthetic.
The Flexner Report declared that any discussion of patients who had successfully healed from “alternative medicine” was anecdotal and those patients probably dodged a bullet by not using allopathic treatment. This narrative didn’t seem to generate much pushback from the public, so they continued promulgating it. Throughout the report, Abraham promotes a steep hierarchy to better control the medical industry.
Abraham Flexner’s employment under Andrew Carnegie with the mission of standardizing medicine in America seems to have impressed John Rockefeller who later hired him to establish curriculums for major Ivy League universities. Philanthropy Roundtable shines a light on these “reforms.”
“The Rockefeller Foundation hired Flexner in 1913 to advise its General Education Board. The foundation then systematically funded reforms at several medical schools, including Washington University at St. Louis, Yale University, the University of Chicago, and Vanderbilt University. In 1923, the Rockefeller Foundation gave additional money to reform public medical schools in Iowa, Colorado, Oregon, Virginia, and Georgia. These efforts established a single high standard for medical education in the United States, and launched American medicine to international prominence, a prestige it continues to possess today.”
Much like the Federal Reserve, the American Medical Association is a private institution. It is comprised of medical professionals. Hypothetically, if it were not for lobbying efforts and revolving doors, the AMA should remain an impartial body capable of genuine regulation. However, Carnegie shows his motivations on page 19 of the Flexner Report where he calls for the transference of regulatory power from the AMA to the government.
“The theory of state regulation covers that point. In the act of granting the right to confer degrees, the state vouches for them; through protective boards it still further seeks to safeguard the people.”
Much like the rapid spread of authoritarianism during the covid-19 bioterror attack, public health is used to gin up hysteria and support for tyrannical policies. Hypnotic phrases like “safeguard the people,” “public safety,” and “the greater good” are often red flags that should give the public pause to discern if what they are being told is propaganda or not. It is often the preamble for the roll out of progressive economic policies and a government power grab.
The American Medical Association has been accepting money from the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations since as early as 1910, the same year that Carnegie issued the Flexner Report. Did Rockefeller and Carnegie hash out a masterplan allowing them to work so swiftly?
In his book The World Without Cancer, G. Edward Griffin makes the argument that the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations began to support the AMA to control medical education to gain power over this “large and vital sphere of American life.”
The Rockefeller Foundation has openly discussed its financial ties to the AMA and issued public annual reports on its progress because it knows that through its PR campaign it has established itself as an infallible philanthropic organization.
Page 29 of the 1932 Rockefeller Foundation Annual Report admits that many of the early vaccines were developed in Rockefeller Foundation laboratories using Rockefeller funding.
Obviously, if you are pro-vax, you likely see this is a good and noble thing. If you are anti-vax, you likely see this and everything else we have just uncovered as more evidence that the most ruthless and powerful people push things on the general population for unethical and even megalomaniacal reasons.
Now, two years into the covid-19 bioterror attack and the allopathic medical system is being fused with Big Brother as vaccine passports and social credit systems are rapidly being implemented by nations around the world simultaneously. The long march of standardization seems to be reaching its logical conclusion in this medical technocracy, not unlike the plot from Brave New World. Governing bodies in the healthcare industry, like the World Health Organization and the World Medical Association, are increasingly controlling many aspects of health freedom and most people simply don’t realize this or they celebrate it as a good thing. Why is there so much censorship coming from Big Tech around the topic of holistic health? Have they used this sequestered knowledge to profit from sickness and death and to create both physical and psychological dependency?
Confusion around the topic of health stems both from top-down disinformation and from grassroots misinformation. Our current predicament is one of contrived science, coercive medicine, scandalous reporting, predatory regulation, deceptive marketing, subjective diagnostics, systemic indoctrination, willful ignorance, suppressive control, obstructed patents, revolving doors, and assassinated doctors, all masquerading as medical progress.
Loved this video. The last 18:00-20:00 mins, particularly with Vera Sharav’s input literally gave me shivers down my spine, gives me CoM vibes. Buzzing for EP7 CoM to drop now. P.S Plz get MB to release more of his own content, I literally joined the channel for this guy – elite level content.
I agree with ☝🏼. Mouthy Buddha is why I signed up also. The others are great don’t get me wrong. However I prefer Mouthy Buddha do the narrating. I just enjoy his voice. It reminds me of someone from my past. As for this video you are a very excellent investigator. I love the way you cite the video! That’s what a real investigative writer does!
As for the road we are on, I’m afraid we are already doomed. I never realized the ignorance of the populace that resides on the earth with me. It may just be plain stupidity, I’m not sure yet. I’m leaning towards the stupidity theory more and more these days unfortunately.
Thanks for the education. I truly appreciate the effort you put into your work. Looking forward to the next one!!
Thank you for the feedback! I have actually been speaking with Mouthy Buddha about having him do the narrations for his edits moving forward, and he was very receptive to it. I can confirm that he will be taking over narration after the release of Human Pharming Vol. II which is already in the later stages of development. Thanks for the input, we’re working around the clock to bring you the very best content!
Thank you for the feedback! I have actually been speaking with Mouthy Buddha about having him do the narrations for his edits moving forward, and he was very receptive to it. I can confirm that he will be taking over narration after the release of Human Pharming Vol. II which is already in the later stages of development. Thanks for the input, we’re working around the clock to bring you the very best content!
I admire your efforts toward inspiring a larger percentage of Humanity to see through the deception and change their minds. Sadly it has always been merely a remnant who have successfully thrown off the bonds of hegemony. Some people are comfortable in their bondage. They aren’t bothered when others make their decisions for them; especially if they are promised a reward of some kind for their obeisance. Others chafe under the yoke put upon them by the underlings of those who make believe they rule the world.
Excellent intro to such a murderous scandal! Love Mouthy Budda!!
Thank you for the feedback! I have actually been speaking with Mouthy Buddha about having him do the narrations for his edits moving forward, and he was very receptive to it. I can confirm that he will be taking over narration after the release of Human Pharming Vol. II which is already in the later stages of development. Thanks for the input, we’re working around the clock to bring you the very best content!
Brilliant, except for the continued misguided belief that there was a bioterror attack using Covid-19, for the story of it’s emergence is proof enough that it was nothing but a ruse.
First they attempted to use subterfuge to pretend that it didn’t come from the Wuhan Laboratory, this was nothing but smoke and mirrors, which eventually would lead to many falling for the belief that because they tried to use the wet fish market across the road, there must be some truth in the Wuhan leak.
That is exactly what they wanted, so that when they finally “admitted” to Wuhan being the leak the ILLUSION was complete, everyone would then believe that it was a real virus that had really escaped or been deliberately allowed out.
However, this is all it was, an illusion, a MAGIC TRICK, to make people believe the unbelievable, to usher in their Trojan Horse, the medications that Moderna had been working on for nearly a decade, for this was the real intent, getting the needle into as many arms as possible.
This was a 3 fold agenda, one to push up the pharma stocks, which up until that point were beginning to hit rock bottom, therefore not giving those who had invested heavily in them a chance to see a return on their investment.
This return came but if most didn’t realise, quickly vanished as those invested cleared the decks.
The 2nd part of the agenda was to push forward the mRNA technology, which they have already moved most medications into this area, but as Fauci himself said in 2019, it takes too long to get approval and the problem was that these medications kept failing at each attempt.
The final and 3rd part of their agenda was the introduction of graphene oxide nano-particulates into the human body, if many died that didn’t matter, for the pharma companies concerned were all granted immunity from prosecution because it was an experimental medication.
This introduction of the graphene oxide followed on from their mice and monkey experiments, where they were controlling the mice through the use of “ferritin” and they realised they could, effectively, hack a human being and turn them into transhumanist robots.
Again if many died then that was of no concern, that is why they needed to keep upping the dosage with regular boosters, to see how much and how frequently they would need to upgrade their control subjects.
This was nothing more than a computer upgrade, selling the world a subscription service, which would need to be continually repeated, otherwise the control or the tracking of the human subject would diminish over time.
Once you look at the symptoms of Covid-19, you realise there is no virus, there never was a virus, they just used the seasonal flu, then sent all the sick elderly out of hospital, then shut all the hospitals to sick people, then locked everyone up in their homes for 3 months minimum, then got doctors to put Covid-19 as a form of death legitimately, then those elderly they repatriated to the care homes they over medicated, using either Morphine, Midazolam or Remdesivir, then introduced masks, which cause cases of bacterial pneumonia which is usually easily treatable, but only if the patient gets to see their own doctor, which again was stopped and changed the protocols in hospitals to put anyone that WAS admitted with “Covid-19” onto a ventilator, which effectively drowned the victim in their own fluids.
The nonstop 24/7 FEAR alone was probably responsible for any spike in deaths, but combined with all the other measures ensured a slight increase in deaths, especially in those left with untreated conditions through closed hospitals.
The fact that there was nothing found in the jabs to treat Covid-19 is because there was nothing TO find, there could be no cure or even treatment for something that doesn’t even exist.
That is how easy it is to increase deaths, increase the look of a virus without there ever being a virus in the first place, the symptoms ALL the same as the common cold or flu.
Using the PCR as they did in with the 2009 Swine Flu Scamdemic was another coup, again the lies surrounding this polymerase chain reaction is as bad as the rest, for it was fortuitous for them that Kary Mullis died of flu in 2019, mere months before the whole thing kicked off, AND the timeline was altered in the early days, for there are conclusive reports from doctors, obviously primed to call a novel virus, that came out too early.
Then we have the mere fact that in the UK the budget for the country was published on the same day as the WHO called pandemic, with no deaths in the UK at that point, but which was already factored in costs in that same budget, for those preparing it should have had NO idea that the WHO would call a pandemic, as there were not enough deaths for it to warrant being a pandemic at the time of their preparation, and considering there are many such events which never actually lead to a pandemic.
Rockefeller looks reptillian. Snake-like. Just sayin’
thank you.
Well done!!!!
If you guys stand for what you guys stand for, wheres the video about the natural remedies the 1900’s used?