Where’s Waldo? is a children’s book series, created and illustrated by Martin Handford, that challenges readers to find “Waldo” who is hidden in busy crowds of people and surrounded by pandemonium. Waldo is distinct in appearance; he wears a red and white striped shirt, a matching hat, and glasses. Although he is hidden in plain sight, the difficulty of finding him is increased by “red herrings” or “decoys” that fool the eye.
Conspiracies are often hidden in plain sight with very discrete giveaways. Mankind is often overwhelmed by the noise of the world – his senses dulled of detail, his intuition muddled with conditioning, his quest challenged by clutter, and his solutions suppressed.
This satirical article is not intended to be offensive. Although it is done light-heartedly, it conveys a message.
Waldo has become idiomatic in Western culture, representative of elusive answers. Waldo is that which is found only by those who seek. The decoys of disinformation sabotage our pursuit for truth only if we waver in awareness. To the perspicacious man, discernment is a sharp sword.
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Gulf of Tonkin Incident
Knights Templar
Apollo 11 Moon Landing
Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
Bohemian Grove, California
Creation of the Federal Reserve at Jekyll Island
Alien Autopsy, Unknown
Madrid Bombings
Pentagon, 9/11
Shanksville, 9/11
WTC Building 7, 9/11
Osama bin Laden
Skull and Bones, Yale University
Princess Diana’s Funeral Service
London Bombings
Area 51, NV
Roswell, NM
UFO Crash Site, Russia
Scottish Rite Freemasonry (Left), York Rite Freemasonry (Right)
John Dee Showing Sorcery to Queen Elizabeth I
Ebola Outbreak, Sierra Leone
Last Supper
John D. Rockefeller Meeting Press
Occupy Wall Street
Boston Marathon Bombing
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Bilderberg Meeting
Christopher Columbus Received by Queen Isabella I
Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH-370, Diego Garcia Air Force Base
Big 3 Meet at Crimean Conference, Yalta
Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln
Illuminati, Portrayed in Kubrick’s ‘Eyes Wide Shut’
Pope Francis and Queen Elizabeth II
Sinking of the Titanic
Jesuit High Priests
G-20 Round Table
Oklahoma City Bombing
March Against Monsanto
Signing of the Declaration of Independence
Did we miss any important ones? Leave a comment if you want to see more “Where’s Waldo? Conspiracy Editions.
Nell Tomassen Reboh says
Disney Land Measles Outbreak