In my book, Humans are Herbivores: A Scientific Case for Veganism, we explored the medical data illustrating the many health risks of consuming animal products. Now, we will evaluate the anatomical evidence supporting the conclusion that human beings are categorically herbivorous animals. The question of our taxonomical classification is really one of evolutionary biology. Fortunately, scientists have identified obvious physical distinctions among mammals that are dead giveaways as to whether or not a particular animal is naturally designed to eat meat, plants and meat, or just plants.
As Milton R. Mills, M.D. points out in The Comparative Anatomy of Eating,
“Humans are most often described as “omnivores.” This classification is based on the “observation” that humans generally eat a wide variety of plant and animal foods. However, culture, custom and training are confounding variables when looking at human dietary practices. Thus, “observation” is not the best technique to use when trying to identify the most “natural” diet for humans. While most humans are clearly “behavioral” omnivores, the question still remains as to whether humans are anatomically suited for a diet that includes animal as well as plant foods.
A better and more objective technique is to look at human anatomy and physiology. Mammals are anatomically and physiologically adapted to procure and consume particular kinds of diets. (It is common practice when examining fossils of extinct mammals to examine anatomical features to deduce the animal’s probable diet.) Therefore, we can look at mammalian carnivores, herbivores (plant-eaters) and omnivores to see which anatomical and physiological features are associated with each kind of diet. Then we can look at human anatomy and physiology to see in which group we belong.”
40 Anatomical Features that Classify Humans as Herbivores
There are several types of features that help biologists determine the feeding behaviors of animals. For instance, digestive abilities, “hunting or gathering” abilities, reproductive habits, locomotive abilities, and circadian rhythms are all factors taken into consideration. To illustrate this better, here are two simple examples. Stomach acidity differs greatly between herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores, which would demonstrate an animal’s evolutionary adaptation to digest simple carbohydrates such as fruit or complex proteins and fats such as meat. Additionally, whether or not an animal has claws will likely determine if it uses them for hunting or not.
It is important that a conclusion is not reached after reviewing one or two data points. Rather, we must make our conclusion by assessing the totality of all available data. To conclude humans are anything other than herbivores is to ignore the following striking pieces of evidence.
- Carnivores have facial muscles that are reduced to allow a wide mouth gap to swallow large chunks of meat or entire animals whole. Omnivores’ facial muscles are also reduces. However, herbivores and humans have in common well-developed facial muscles for chewing plant matter.
- Both carnivores and omnivores have a jaw angle that is acute. Both herbivores and humans have an expanded jaw angle.
- The location of the jaw joint in carnivores and omnivores is on the same plane as their molar teeth. The location of the jaw joint in herbivores and humans is above the plan of the molars.
- The jaw in carnivores and omnivores is designed to shear and has minimal side-to-side motion. The jaw in herbivores and humans is very dexterous and moves side-to-side and front-to-back.
- The major jaw muscle in carnivores and omnivores is the temporalis. The major jaw muscles in herbivores and humans are the masseter and pterygoids.
- The size comparison between mouth opening and head size is very exaggerated in carnivores and omnivores. However, in herbivores and humans the mouth opening to head size is quite small.
- In carnivores and omnivores, the incisor teeth are short and pointed. In herbivores and humans, the incisor teeth are broad, flattened, and spade-shaped.
- In carnivores and omnivores, the canine teeth are long, sharp, and curved. In herbivores, the canine teeth are dull and usually short, although sometimes they are long for defense. Other times, herbivores have no canines at all. In humans, they are short and blunted. It is worth pointing out that just because we refer to our own teeth as canines, does not mean they have anything in common with actual canines in carnivores and this name has more to do with their location on the jaw.
- In carnivores and omnivores, their molar teeth are sharp, jagged, and blade-shaped. In herbivores, they are flattened with cusps or have a complex surface. In humans, they are flattened with nodular cusps.
- Carnivores do not chew their food, they swallow it whole. Omnivores swallow food whole or perform simple crushing before swallowing. Herbivores and humans require extensive chewing before swallowing food.
- The saliva in carnivores and omnivores contains no digestive enzymes whatsoever. The saliva in herbivores and humans contains carbohydrate digesting enzymes.
- Carnivores and omnivores have what is called a “simple” stomach. Herbivores can either have simple stomachs or stomachs with multiple chambers. In this case, humans have simple stomachs. However, the pH of carnivore and omnivore stomachs is less than or equal to 1. In herbivores and humans, the stomach pH is between 4 and 5.
- The stomach capacity of carnivores and omnivores is roughly 60% to 70% of the total volume of the digestive tract. In herbivores, it is less than 30% of the total volume of the digest tract. In humans and frugivores, or animals that only eat fruit, it is 21% to 27% the total volume of the digestive tract.
- Carnivores have a liver that is proportionally 50% larger than others. Omnivores have a liver that is proportionally larger than herbivores. Herbivores have a liver that is proportionally larger than frugivores. Frugivores and humans have the smallest livers.
- In carnivores and omnivores, the length of the small intestine is 3 to 6 times the body length, measured from neck to anus. In herbivores, the length of the small intestine can measure 10 to 12 times the body length, and sometimes more. In humans, the small intestines are 10 to 11 times the body length.
- Carnivores and omnivores have colons that are simple, short, and smooth. Herbivores have colons that are long, complex, and may be sacculated. Humans have colons that are long and sacculated.
- Carnivores and omnivores can detoxify preformed vitamin A from food with their liver. Herbivores and humans cannot and require pro-vitamin A carotenoids.
- Carnivores and omnivores have kidneys that produce extremely concentrated urine. Herbivores and humans produce moderately concentrated urine.
- Carnivores and omnivores have bile flow that is comparatively moderate to heavy. Herbivores and humans have bile flow that is comparatively weak.
- The kidneys of carnivores and omnivores produce urate oxidase, or uricase. The kidneys of herbivores and humans do not.
- The colons of carnivores and omnivores are alkaline. The colons of herbivores and humans are acidic.
- For carnivores and omnivores, peristalsis does not require fiber to stimulate. For herbivores and humans, it does.
- Carnivores and omnivores can metabolize large amounts of cholesterol efficiently. Herbivores and humans can only metabolize phytosterols efficiently.
- Carnivores require approximately 2 to 4 hours to digest a meal. Omnivores require approximately 6 to 10 hours to digest a meal. Herbivores require approximately 24 to 48 hours to digest a meal. Frugivores and humans require approximately 12 to 18 hours to digest a meal.
- Carnivores and omnivores cannot convert short chain fatty acids into long chain fatty acids. Herbivores and humans can.
- Carnivores and omnivores have sharp claws. Herbivores have flattened nails or blunt hooves. Humans have flattened nails.
- Carnivores and omnivores have zonary-shaped placentas. Herbivores and humans have discoid-shaped placentas.
- Carnivores and omnivores cool themselves by panting and only have sweat glands in their paws if they have paws. Herbivores and humans have sweat glands all over their bodies.
- Carnivores and omnivores are 100% covered in hair. Herbivores and humans have pores with extensive hair covering their bodies.
- Carnivores and omnivores have multiple teats for nursing litters of offspring. Some herbivores also have multiple teats. Frugivores and humans have dual breasts for nursing one to two offspring.
- Carnivores, omnivores, and herbivores walk on all fours. Humans and frugivores walk upright or at least have the ability to do so.
- Carnivores, omnivores, and some herbivores produce vitamin C endogenously. Frugivores, some herbivores, and humans must consume vitamin C through their diet.
- Carnivores require taurine in their diet which is found in most animal tissues such as muscle, viscera, and brain but is not found in plants. Humans and most omnivores and herbivores synthesize taurine endogenously.90
- Carnivores and omnivores do not have prehensile arms, hands, feet, or tails. Herbivores and humans do.
- The brains of carnivores and omnivores are fueled by fats and proteins. The brains of herbivores and humans are fueled by glycogen.
- Carnivores and omnivores do not have full-color vision. Herbivores and humans have full-color vision.
- Humans and herbivores sleep approximately 8 hours per 24 hour cycle, whereas carnivores and omnivores spend approximately 18 to 20 hours sleeping per 24 hour cycle.
- Carnivores and omnivores drink by lapping their tongue. Herbivores and humans drink by sipping with their upper lip.
- Carnivores are generally adapted for short sprints to catch their prey. Herbivores are generally adapted for endurance to outlast and outrun their predators. Humans are adapted for endurance (with the assistance of the aforementioned sweat glands).
- Male carnivores do not have seminal vesicles as part of their reproductive anatomy. Male herbivores and male humans do have seminal vesicles. Erectile dysfunction is more often seen in men with elevated cholesterol levels and high levels of LDL “bad” cholesterol.
Moreover, our closest primate relatives eat an almost exclusively herbivorous or frugivorous diet. Also, ironically, the number one cause of choking deaths in humans is from eating meat according to a 2007 study by Dolkas et al.
The Evolution of Binocular Vision
A false assertion made my meat proponents is that humans have binocular vision which proves we are designed to hunt. In 1974, Matt Cartmill proposed the Visual Predation Hypothesis which essentially states that prey species typically have eyes on the sides of their heads to look out for predators while predators have evolved binocular vision to stalk their prey.
If we examine our pre-hominid ancestors starting with Dryomomys some 55 million years ago, which was essentially a tree-dwelling shrew, which did not have forward facing eyes but was arguably our first ancestral creature to switch from eating insects to eating fruit. Around the same time period, Carpolestes, similar to today’s wooly possum, also had eyes that were not forward facing. Nonetheless, it had teeth that were highly specialized for eating flowers, seeds, and fruit.
Then came Notharctus at 45 million years ago, similar to a modern day lemur, whose diet consisted primarily of fruit and leaves based on the fossil remains we have of its teeth. This was our first primate-like ancestor and it just so happened to have evolved binocular vision – not for hunting, but for navigating tree branches easier in the forest canopy as it leaped long distances high up in the air. This is known as the Arboreal Locomotion Hypothesis.
There are a few exceptions to this hypothesis, such as squirrels which live in trees but have eyes on the sides of their heads. However, some have pointed out that the only exceptions to this rule are smaller mammals, concluding that there is a larger selective pressure for larger animals who stand to risk greater injury if they fall from the treetops.
Some biologists posit that binocular vision was also imperative for early primates to begin manipulating plant foods, such as twisting and plucking fruit from branches or peeling it. According to a 2004 paper by R. A. Barton entitled Binocularity and brain evolution in primates,
“Fine-grained stereopsis is likely to be critical for the visually guided, delicate manipulation of plant foods, which has been proposed as a key adaptation of ancestral primates.”
Approximately 30 million years ago, Aegyptopithecus emerged, similar to a modern day howler monkey, which had eyes even closer together on the front of its face. Both Aegyptopithecus and the howler monkey are considered herbivores and predominantly eat fruit.
What we see is a complete inversion of Cartmill’s Visual Predation Hypothesis. In fact, during the period of time where our early ancestors evolved binocular vision, they actually adapted from a diet consisting mostly of insects to one consisting mostly of fruit. In the same time frame, our ancestors evolved from having claws to having fingernails and they lost their overlapping predatory molars used for shearing flesh and snapping bones (or insect carcasses) and developed in-line molars for grinding plant matter. Additionally, our vision and smell dulled, both of which are highly refined for predators.
In 2008, Changizi and Shimojo published a report called “X-ray vision” and the evolution of forward facing eyes, which is perhaps the most compelling hypothesis to date.97 In their own words it states,
“…the degree of binocular convergence is selected to maximize how much the mammal can see in its environment. Mammals in non-cluttered environments can see the most around them with panoramic, laterally directed eyes. Mammals in cluttered environments, however, can see best when their eyes face forward, for binocularity has the power of “seeing through” clutter out in the world. Evidence across mammals closely fits the predictions of this “X-ray” hypothesis.”
In fact, the scientists actually found a direct correlation between the relative degree of how leafy an animal’s environment is and the distance between its eyes. This is especially true for predators in the ocean such as sharks, dolphins, and octopi which have eyes on the sides of their heads but have no problems finding and killing their prey. Moreover, many large herbivorous mammals have eyes on the front of their heads including koalas, tree kangaroos, and sloths.
Diets of Early Hominids and Brain Development
Meat proponents like to attribute humans’ rapid brain development with eating meat. Of all the arguments put forward by meat proponents, this one is perhaps the silliest. There are tens if not hundreds of thousands of species that have consumed meat for much longer than humans and our early hominid ancestors. In fact, many species have eaten an exclusively carnivorous diet for millions of years longer than us. Why aren’t sharks, crocodiles, or tigers the smartest species on the planet?
In 2014, Melin and associates published a review in the Journal of Human Evolution claiming that the change of seasons and the quest for elusive bugs spurred tool use and problem-solving skills among primates. Although they may have been on the “hunt” for insects, this likely comprised less than five percent of their overall diet, the rest consisting of fruit, leaves, seeds, and flowers.
Another hypothesis was postulated by Harvard biologist Richard Wrangham that stated the sudden and dramatic availability to calories and carbohydrates through the use of fire to cook food afforded early hominids the ability to more adequately meet their nutritional needs and provide much more fuel for their brains. Fire happens to be a tool unique to humans and has played a major role in our diet for quite some time.
According to Smithsonian Magazine,
“[Wragham’s colleague Rachel] Carmody explains that only a fraction of the calories in raw starch and protein are absorbed by the body directly via the small intestine. The remainder passes into the large bowel, where it is broken down by that organ’s ravenous population of microbes, which consume the lion’s share for themselves. Cooked food, by contrast, is mostly digested by the time it enters the colon; for the same amount of calories ingested, the body gets roughly 30 percent more energy from cooked oat, wheat or potato starch as compared to raw, and as much as 78 percent from the protein in an egg.”
A California study published in the Journal of Nutrition in 1999 concluded that,
“Anthropoids, including all great apes, take most of their diet from plants, and there is general consensus that humans come from a strongly herbivorous ancestry. Though gut proportions differ, overall gut anatomy and the pattern of digestive kinetics of extant apes and humans are very similar. Analysis of tropical forest leaves and fruits routinely consumed by wild primates shows that many of these foods are good sources of hexoses, cellulose, hemicellulose, pectic substances, vitamin C, minerals, essential fatty acids, and protein. In general, relative to body weight, the average wild monkey or ape appears to take in far higher levels of many essential nutrients each day than the average American and such nutrients (as well as other substances) are being consumed together in their natural chemical matrix. The recommendation that Americans consume more fresh fruits and vegetables in greater variety appears well supported by data on the diets of free-ranging monkeys and apes.”
Atherosclerosis Only Affects Herbivores
In Chapter One of Humans are Herbivores, we looked at the causal relationship between dietary cholesterol and coronary heart disease, multiple types of cancer, and Alzheimer’s. Now, let’s examine the various ways scientists know that cholesterol causes atherosclerosis, a disease that scientists are only able to create in herbivores.
At the 39th Annual Williamsburg Conference on Heart Disease held in 2012, medical doctors Mina Benjamin and William Roberts pointed out that while there are 10 risk factors for atherosclerosis, or narrowing of the arteries, 9 of these factors are contributory at most but do not cause the disease in and of themselves. The only risk factor known to cause atherosclerosis is dietary cholesterol.
After spending 50 years researching coronary heart disease, William Roberts published his four key findings proving that this disease manifests from the consumption of cholesterol.
“Atherosclerosis is easily produced experimentally in herbivores (monkeys, rabbits) by giving them diets containing large quantities of cholesterol (egg yolks) or saturated fat (animal fat). Indeed, atherosclerosis is one of the easiest diseases to produce experimentally, but the recipient must be an herbivore. It is not possible to produce atherosclerosis in carnivores (tigers, lions, dogs, etc.). In contrast, it is not possible to produce atherosclerosis simply by raising a rabbit’s blood pressure or blowing cigarette smoke in its face for an entire lifetime.
Atherosclerotic plaques contain cholesterol.
Societies with high average cholesterol levels have higher event rates (heart attacks, etc.) than societies with much lower average cholesterol levels.
When serum cholesterol levels (especially the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol [LDL-C] level) are lowered (most readily, of course, by statin drugs), atherosclerotic events fall accordingly and the lower the level, the fewer the events (“less is more”). Although most humans consider themselves carnivores or at least omnivores, basically we humans have characteristics of herbivores.”
Individuals who have a cholesterol score between 50mg and 70mg per dl do not develop atherosclerosis whereas a cholesterol score above 75mg/dl causes the progression of atherosclerosis and this relationship is linear, as in the higher the cholesterol score the faster the atherosclerotic progression.
Incidence of Chronic Diseases Unseen in Predominantly Vegetarian Societies
In a 2007 article published in the Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings, William Roberts, M.D. also pointed out the following.
“Some extremely common conditions in the Western world are relatively uncommon in purely or predominantly vegetarian and fruit-eating societies. These include 1) severe atherosclerosis and its devastating consequences (heart attacks, brain attacks, etc.); 2) systemic hypertension: in societies that eat minuscule amounts of salt, the systemic arterial blood pressure is usually about 90/60 mm Hg, a level near what it is at birth but a level in the Western world often associated with shock; 3) stroke; 4) obesity; 5) diabetes mellitus; 6) some common cancers (colon, breast, prostate gland); 7) constipation, cholecystitis, gallstones, appendicitis, diverticulosis, hemorrhoids, inguinal hernia, varicose veins; 8) renal stones; 9) osteoporosis and osteoarthritis; 10) salmonellosis and trichinosis; and 11) cataracts and macular degeneration.”
A 2014 meta-analysis conducted by Lap Tai Le and Joan Sabaté published in the Journal of Nutrients reviewed thirteen articles involving hundreds of thousands of participants in total. They concluded,
“In summary, vegetarians have consistently shown to have lower risks for cardiometabolic outcomes and some cancers across all three prospec tive cohorts of Adventists. Beyond meatless diets, further avoidance of eggs and dairy products may offer a mild additional benefit. Compared to lacto-ovo-vegetarian diets, vegan diets seem to provide some added protection against obesity, hypertension, type-2 diabetes; and cardiovascular mortality. In general, the protective effects of vegetarian diets are stronger in men than in women.”
In 2013, Tantamango-Bartley and colleagues performed an analysis on the prevalence of cancer between vegetarian and non-vegetarian groups to assess animal products as dietary risk factors. They concluded that vegetarian diets offer protection against multiple forms of cancer. In their own words,
“We examined the association between dietary patterns (non-vegetarians, lacto, pesco, vegan, and semi-vegetarian) and the overall cancer incidence among 69,120 participants of the Adventist Health Study-2. Cancer cases were identified by matching to cancer registries. Cox proportional hazard regression analysis was conducted to estimate hazard ratios, with “attained age” as the time variable.”
Red Meat and Mortality
A 28-year study conducted by Pan et al. which ran from 1980 to 2008 examined 121,342 participants to determine the health risk, if any, that red meat consumption poses to humans.110 In total, they documented 23,926 deaths and 2.96 million person-years of aggregate data. Suffice to say, this study has attained the gold-standard of medical evaluation.
“We prospectively followed 37698 men from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study (1986-2008) and 83644 women from the Nurses’ Health Study (1980-2008), who were free of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cancer at baseline. Diet was assessed by validated food-frequency questionnaires and updated every four years.”
The study’s authors concluded that red meat consumption is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease mortality, cancer mortality, and all cause mortality. Additionally, they found that substitution of other healthy protein sources for red meat is associated with a lower mortality risk.
The exact numbers that the team estimated for the risk factors were quite alarming. At just one serving increase per day of unprocessed red meat, total lifetime mortality rose by 113%. For cardiovascular disease mortality, one serving increase of red meat raised the hazard ratio by 118% for men and 121% for women. For cancer, the hazard ratio was raised by 110% for men and 116% for women.
Substituting for just one serving of red meat per day with fish, poultry, nuts, legumes, low-fat dairy, or whole grains resulted in a 7% to 19% reduction in mortality risk. The authors also estimated that 9.3% of male deaths and 7.6% of female deaths could have been prevented if all individuals consumed less than half a serving per day of red meat.
If you are compelled to try out a plant-based diet but you are worried that it won’t meet your body’s nutritional needs, Chapter Four of my book demonstrates that this fear is supported by the scientific community. Check out my book, Humans are Herbivores: A Scientific Case for Veganism, on Amazon.
When did the human stomach ph become 4 to 5 as you claim. We are in the 1 to 3 range.
Also bears have digestive enzymes in their mouths and in many ways are similar to us since we are also omnivores like bears
According to a 2015 study published in PLoS One entitled The Evolution of Stomach Acidity and its Relevance to the Human Microbiome, researchers stated that:
“Regardless of morphology, because communities of cellulolytic microorganisms and healthy fermentation occur most productively in an alkaline environment, the proximal portion of the foregut-fermenting stomach has a pH of approximately 5.5 to 7, while the distal portions have a pH of about 3.”
It’s hard to put one number on the pH of the stomach, but the average seems to be about 5. Numbers vary because of a lack of specificity about the part of the digestive tract people are referring to. However, the stomach specifically has an average ph of 5.
To your point about bears, there are few omnivores that produce amylase in their saliva which help with the breakdown of carbohydrates. These rare exceptions prove the rule. As I stated in the beginning of the article, “It is important that a conclusion is not reached after reviewing one or two data points. Rather, we must make our conclusion by assessing the totality of all available data. To conclude humans are anything other than herbivores is to ignore the following striking pieces of evidence.”
You don’t average out the ph. That is not the way it works. If we have an acidity of 3 at any point in the stomach that is different than an herbivore.
We might have a resting level of 4 to 5 but when we are digesting food it can be down to 1.5.
No herbivore does that.
Lots of assumptions that go know where and don’t correlate. There’s very simple issues you just haven’t answered or considered. Likely because you’ve decided on the answer and sought evidence to prove it. There’s enormous amounts of evidence to dispute your claims,
Some of which are:
• Quite simply how do humans get B12? Across all of the continents, and timelines, on different environments, in all of human history? Or Taurine for that matter. Or enough B6. Or omega 3 (are you going to acknowledge the studies that show ALA is a poorly substituted into DHA by the body? Or just the loaded ones that support your hypothesis?)
• There‘a no debate out LCA started as a largely
Herbivorous fruit preferential primate. And clearly some of those evolutionary traits remain. So there’s no mystery as to “herbivorous” biological similarities. We also have less defined aquatic biological similarities from our ancestry. Does that prove we should live in the water?
• Your claims of our gut composition is disingenuous and (I believe) deliberately long to confuse people into believing things that aren’t true. Our guts are most similar to wolves, which are carnivores btw. Our teeth are relatively similar to them as well, despite our biological similarities to early homonins that had flatter molars for chewing fibrous plant matter. They were also 4 times larger and had giant jaw muscles to chew through all of the fibre. Which stops the ability of a skull to be sectional at birth. Thus allowing brain growth.
• Herbivores, whether ruminant or post gut fermenters don’t acquire the majority of their energy from carbohydrates. They acquire them from fatty acids that are the byproduct of bacterial fermentation of cellulose. To do that, you require section stomachs, or long Cecums and colons that are more than 50% of the gut tract (this includes chinos and gorillas). Which ours aren’t, they not even 30%. You also have to spend all day eating and sourcing food to get enough nutrients.
• And then there’s the complete lack of acknowledgement of the anthropological evidence that shows through stones tools, fossils, and isotopic measurements among dozens of other forms of evidence that we grew big brains over a period of 2 million years exactly when we started hunting and cooking meat and fat specifically.
And that just what I could be bothered writing.
I appreciate the passionate response. As I mentioned in the article, this evidence represents a small subset of the overall discussion, and ultimately only one branch of the argument for a whole food plant-based diet. There are also the medical, environmental, and ethical considerations. This article is a short snippet from my book which actually addresses all of the questions you raised in your response. I’m not expecting you to jump out of your chair and purchase my book, but I mention it because most people are unfamiliar with my voluminous body of work on diet and nutrition. My first book on nutrition has 182 references to meta-analyses and randomized double-blind placebo controlled peer-reviewed medical studies. Wherever possible, I cited the largest cohort and longest-running studies available. My second book on this subject, which is in the works, will provide further evidence for the position. I’ll leave a link below if you feel inclined to investigate further. Cheers.
Hemp seed has every single nutrient the human body needs.
Our brains grew because the extra terrestrials mated with us over thousands of years and enlarged our intelligence. Lions, crocodiles, eagles, and bears brains did not grow massively because they ate animals. B12 naturally comes from bacteria in healthy soil and water affected by that soil. B12 is absorbed through our healthy human gut, if its’ healthy. Vegans thousands of years ago got their B12 that way. 95% of all B12 is fed to farm animals as a supplement. In our modern world we sanitize everything with chlorine and fluoride which destroy B12. Herbicides, pesticides and fungicides destroy B12. GMO seeds/crops destroy B12. The nutrition found in plants has drastically decreased in the past 150 years because of the poor soil quality and growing plants for size and yield, relying on hydroponic growing methods, and hybridization. Humans are natural herbivores and should get most of our energy from glucose. Animal protein rots and putrefies in our body and causes constipation and body odor, cholesterol problems, E.D., heart attacks, diabetes, and atherosclerosis (among other problems). A violent diet has created a violent and angry human animal for many years. If you truly believe what you state you will continue to consume the dead and all of the aftereffects of doing so, which negatively effect your body, chakras, and soul. Some see animals as sentient and worthy of their life and others see them as an object to dominate, breed, rape, slaughter and consume.
It truly boils down to either having empathy and compassion, or a lack of it. Watch “earthlings” and see if those animals enjoy what they go through. Peace.
It amazes me that several completely critical comments like yours’ are addressing the completely linear aspects of
this issue. You can find an argument against everything that the author says, for sure, when you believe it is natural
normal and necessary to eat the dead. But these criticisms completely lack any empathy, compassion, and EMOTION
for the sentience and life of the animals slaughtered. This is not at all surprising as so many omnivores see the meal
as food, not as a live animal that was killed against its’ will to live and be. They do not feel the empathy and emotion for
the innocent that are harmed unnecessarily for humans to devour. The omnivores do not want to be reminded that it is
not kind, loving, caring, humane, or compassionate to kill and eat a diet of violence.
Animals are looked at as objects, possessions, a means to an end, something we benefit from. A very selfish attitude!.
Just as enslaved humans were viewed when the abolitionists spoke out against the kidnapping and enslaving of African
humans who deserved their dignity, freedom, and respect. Enslavers did not want to give up their slaves and their free labor,
whom they feel they had possession of, owned, believed they were less intelligent, and could do with what they pleased. Peace.
We get B12 from bacteria in the soil which is deposited on food. This is far less than years ago because of modern farming techniques and insecticides which kill the bacteria. Consequently, farm animals are routinely given B12 supplements. We also produce B12 in our bodies. It used to be thought that it was produced too far down in our gut to be absorbed. However, it has now been found that we produce B12 in our mouths and throat. A channel 4 documentary, shown around the time of your post, has shown this to be true.
You are incorrect with regards your comment about herbivores not getting most of their energy from carbohydrates –
You say ‘ALA is a poorly substituted into DHA by the body’. Although this is partly true it has been shown that ALA is substituted into DHA in sufficient quantities for us.
You talk about the Expensive Tissue Hypothesis which says that our brains developed because of eating meat. This has not only been totally debunked but has been retracted by its original proponents.
Have you even looked at the teeth of a wolf? They are totally different to ours. Their guts have virtually no similarity to ours either.
I have been working in this field for over thirty years and have yet to see any evidence that shows us to be anything other than herbivorous.
That is all I can be bothered to write at the moment.
Humans have been eating fatty meat and butchering large animals for 3.7 million years, I did not see much in your list about the archaeological record, Nitrogen and Carbon Isotopes, or any of the other hard sciences? We evolved the way we did because we ate fatty meat, we developed a carnivore/scavenger digestive tract because we ate animals, we have large brains, shoulders adapted for throwing, walking up right, tool making and so on. Almost all the plants that human beings can tolerate have been developed in the last few hundred years, we only started adapting vegetation because the megafauna populations dwindled. You are literally barking down the wrong side of the tree with your anatomical comparisons.
This is one of the most ignorant, poorly researched, and obviously agenda driven nonsense pieces I’ve seen in a while. The author of this drivel clearly has no idea about anatomy, physiology, or evolutionary processes at all. Anyone who is stupid enough to swallow any of this rancid B/S deserves everything they get.
Unlike you? You, who has offered no evidence to support YOUR agenda drivcn drivel! if you’re a carnivore- why do you not run after other animals to hunt and tear them to pieces and swallow them down ,driven by your hunger when its dinner time? Why do you need a knife and fork when you have ‘canines’ ? Why is raw flesh bad for you, if you’re canine you wouldn’t have to cook it first!
And just because you CAN take life to satisfy your own ends, doesn’t mean you should,,,Jack the Ripper, Harold Shipman, Hitler… and the carbon footprint caused by this utter selfishness is unacceptable. You should be in jail,
I can’t be bothered even reading it. I love veggies and eat everything I can get, but sorry, I need my beef, chicken, lamb, pork, turkey, moose…you get the picture. Be vegetarian but stop trying to impose it on others. Short ribs tonight. God Bless America and the freedom she offers us. ???????
I read the article, it was not once pushy in any way. All they did was share some information they’ve researched.
So many human animals are convinced that humans cannot live without eating a dead animal. They are essentially,
addicted to animal hormones, stress hormones and adrenaline from the sentient animal they eat. It is a drug in the
human body. Thousands of years ago, Pythagoras and other wise humans wrote and spoke about the effect of eating
animals upon the human animal. The knew it made us angry, aggressive, and violent. The God intended diet for humans
is plants, we were designed to be plant-eating herbivores. This was the diet we were eating before the fallen angels
corrupted humanity and taught us how to kill. That is the reason for the great flood. Eating animals has made human
animals angry, violent and destructive ever since. Eating the dead suppresses your consciousness, chakras, and sullies your soul.
You are eating a satanic blood animal sacrifice diet. If you cannot kill an animal with your bare hands (no tools), eat it
hair, skin and sinew, raw, you are not a true carnivore or omnivore.
You can spit all of your defensive arguments over and over, and force a dead cadaver into your mouth, chew, and swallow,
but it is not your natural intended diet. Professional athletes like
David carter (football), Kendrik Farris (the only human to qualify for the olympic weighlifting team several years ago, is vegan),
14 members of the Tennessee titans football team, and even Patrik Baboumian (who lifts 1200 pounds), have proven that they
are stronger, recover faster, and have more stamina than they did when they ate the dead. Eating the dead does not make you masculine,
virile, strong, have more testosterone (studies prove this), or have longer erections. E.D. is not created from lentils, brown rice, carrots,
squash, broccoli, almonds, avocado, kale, dandelion, apples, bananas, or tofu. E.D. creates from saturated fats, especially from animal fats
clogging the heart and penile arteries. E.D. is a serious warning signal that you will have heart problems within a few years’ time, because
the penile arteries are half as wide as the heart and clog sooner. Peace.
Thank you for supporting animal sentience by promoting an ethical compassionate non-animal human diet.
The world is addicted to animal flesh and most humans are fearful of anything that disagrees with that and
forces people to change that addiction. So, they blame the “vegan” for telling the truth, versus looking at
their own violent behavior.
I was raised as an eater of animals by a family who believed that was right.
However, as a vegan I am not superior to any other human animal. However I do consume
a diet and live a lifestyle that does the least harm to sentient animals and marine life. I choose to respect and
love animals by not eating a violent diet. namaste’, rachel