Are we fighting an information war, or is it perhaps something more? ALEX JONES & THE SHADOW’S PLAN is a cerebral journey about modern man’s quest for ultimate truth. While most of the human race is seeking truth and freedom, there are those among us who only seek control. This power struggle of humans against humans is the oldest and most pertinent threat to our very survival.
Mouthy Buddha’s “Neivel” Series
Nice! 👌
Wicked video!
I love every detail, every noise 👌
Absolutely fantastic. The animation was stupendous. And the writing… if yours, Mr. Buddha, was equally impressive. Music and transitional music… amazing as always. This production, albeit short, deserves an award. As a matter of fact, I believe they have a prestigious award ceremony each year and have a specific award for a short…
Yea it sucks when you research what Alex Jones says and you find the research papers proving he’s right! My son told me about the frogs and I just had to know the truth. I hadn’t watched Jones in a decade or more but he was right back then so it was definitely something that I needed to look into just to find out our whole system is rigged against us. It’s so outlandish and crazy people can’t wrap their minds around it even when given scientific data. I call it stagnant brain syndrome. Now that is a pandemic ☝🏼!
Wow. This is so well done. So creepy. Incredible editing and VOFX.