As more scientists step forward, new evidence is brought to bear that the COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in the era of venom-based bioweapons. Produced by Jonathan Otto and edited by Adam Riva, COVENOM-19 VOL 2: DIRECTED EVOLUTION extrapolates on the first installment while highlighting solutions and remedies that will help curb the medical mafia’s global genocide.
miyakosawada says
Convincing info. on snake venom.
COL.451 says
Thanks for all the time and effort in gathering all these facts regarding this contrived cabal scripted atrocity on mankind. You’ve filled in much clearer documentation with regards to the use of venoms that brings to light an agenda on the masses that equate nothing short of world genocide. My opinion of course and most frightening in perspective. Truth is the antidote.
Shirley Patterson says
Very informative Thank You