CULT OF THE MEDICS is a documentary series by David Whitehead that investigates the ancient and occult history of the medical-industrial-complex.
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Great video work, David!
Incredible opening and YES true. Eager to see rest. Posted on FB but i get loads of strikes.
Fantastic research compilation! Thank you
every piece of content on this entire website is invaluable and I thank God that people like this exist to compile this type of content to try an enlighten the masses. Godspeed creators and keep fighting the good fight!
I mean wow! Amazing work guys. This is my 3rd time rewatching every episode and still seeing and hearing things I missed so much crucial information. If Hollywood/pedowood actually gave out real awards you would nail it. Unbelievably done
It’s great, but Chapters 2 and 3 are not working. Could be my computer?
Hollywood drama and sensationalism. Appeals oy to the uniformed
Hello, I just finished watching episode 8 of your Cult of the Medics production. I am blown away by the research, and meticulously pieced together documentaries that y’all produced. Thank you! Question: I’d like to support you by subscribing to your channel. I don’t feel comfortable downloading a bunch of apps I know nothing about. I am on telegram, and Rumble. Divorced Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, don’t trust UTube but some of the shows I like only use that platform so I
Ive shared several of your documents via email and TG, encouraging folks to follow all of your episodes.
Look forward to episode 9, not certain if you’re still working on the production as it was not available when I looked for it.
Thank you and keep shining the light of knowledge and truth.
I was a nurse in a nursing home and its all about how much money they can squeeze out people. It’s sad the things they would do to be able to charge the residents and family members more money. It makes me sick the laws that states have in place to make family sell personal properties and belongs.