If the 2020 US presidential election was rigged against Donald Trump, is it possible the military was prepared well in advance of this election to monitor for fraud? Is there any evidence to indicate that white hats in the American government knew Biden would steal the election and caught him, triggering a continuity of government plan to save the republic? Based on the research of Patel Patriot, DEVOLVED is a series investigating the concept of “devolution” which is when a government’s chain of command is decentralized to circumvent the Constitutional provisions for succession.
On May 2nd 2022, the 4th PSYOP Group released a video called “ghosts in the machine.”
According to their website, the 4th Psyop group are “masters of influence – the core of information warfare.”
It’s also important to note that the 4th PSYOP Group falls under the 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne). They are headquartered at Fort Bragg.
In this video they show what appears to be a ghost air freshener. This was actually a patch used by the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops, otherwise known as the Ghost Army – who implemented one of the most successful PSYOPS in history. Leading up to the Normandy invasion on June 6, 1944, this 1,110-man special forces unit deceived the Nazis using inflatable tanks, wooden aircraft, fake radio transmissions, and other psychological operations. This deception ultimately helped Allied forces win WWII.
The Ghost Army’s patch in this video is not an accident. This video contains many references to historical examples of IW and many subtle clues about who America’s adversaries are. All evidence seems to indicate that Trump’s devolution team is taunting America’s enemies. A PSYOP group like this can only be successful in the shadows. Their own website says that “PSYOP is a difficult branch to research” and that is by design as secrecy is key to their mission’s success.
Why would they need or want a “recruitment” video? Unless, that isn’t what this is. The video begins with Sun Tzu quote:
“If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant” – Sun Tzu
The release of this video from the 4th PSYOP Group indicates that not only are we in the midst of an irregular warfare campaign, but that we’re nearing the end ofit. This kind of material would likely not be released unless the war’s outcome was both certain and imminent.
On October 2nd, 2020, nearly one month before the November 3rd election, an annex was added to Donald Trump’s National Defense Strategy specifically for Irregular Warfare (IW) and the Department of Defense released the declassified summary:
Irregular Warfare Annex to the National Defense Strategy:
Our Military defines IW as a struggle among state and non-state actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant populations. IW falls under the umbrella of our Special Operations Forces.
A July 14th, 2021 article coauthored by Doug Livermore and ”former” acting Sec Def Chris Miller tells us who published the IW annex:
The IW annex was released by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity. At the time this annex was released, the assistant Secretary of Defense for SO/LIC was Ezra Cohen-Watnick. Furthermore, This annex spells out that IW falls under the scope of Special Operations.
The annex discusses our Military and their shift to implementing irregular warfare in order to “defend our sovereignty.” The annex asserts the need for us to use IW Proactively. It tells us that our competitors have “operationalized clandestine criminal activity and predatory economic behavior”.
Two days after Joe Biden was announced the winner of the presidential election, Donald Trump appointed Christopher C. Miller to the position of Acting Secretary of Defense to lead the DoD after the stolen election.
Comparing Miller’s bio to the IW Annex reveals that he was the perfect man for the job. The Annex describes “specific missions of unconventional warfare” such as “foreign internal defense,” “counterterrorism,” and “military information support operations,” which are all specialties that are found word-for-word in Miller’s resume.
Miller was the exact person you would want at the top of the pyramid if you were entering into a period of irregular warfare.
Both the annex and Miller’s bio refer to “military information support operations.” Under the Obama administration, the 4th PSYOP Group’s name was changed to Military Information Support Operations before being switched back in 2017. This annex is clearly explaining that the 4th PSYOP Group or MISO is playing a major role in IW.
This is just the tip of the iceberg of circumstantial evidence we have pointing to Trump prepping the battlefield for a period of irregular warfare.
Remember, the goal of IW is to influence populations and affect legitimacy, which is precisely what our enemies did during Donald Trump’s presidency. Knowing that our enemies were perpetrating an irregular warfare campaign the US military set out to respond and announced that they were shifting their focus to properly fight in the arena of irregular warfare.
On November 18th, 2020, Ezra Cohen Watnick and Chris Miller gave a speech at Fort Bragg discussing the elevation of Special Operations to a level on par with the other military branches.
The location of this speech was no accident. First, they chose to do this ceremony at Fort Bragg – home of the 1st Special Forces Command. The statue they set up next to was no accident either:
The statue is called the “Bronze Bruce.”
The devolution team was drawing attention to the special operations groups at Fort Bragg and they were also sending a bold message by choosing this statue. They have been subtly informing us that special operations are going to be crucial in what’s to come. The only people they weren’t telling was the “incoming” Biden Administration.
These revelations about IW invite us to view things differently, such as the following speech made by Christopher C. Miller on December 18th, 2020, during the first anniversary of Space Force. For the record, he had only been Acting Secretary of Defense for 1 month and 9 days when he gave these remarks.
Is he referring to some form of irregular warfare here?
More evidence of a military focus on Special Operations is found in the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
Further evidence showing the “battlefield” was being prepped for irregular (and information) warfare came from the 2020 NDAA. According to an article from “Lawfare Blog,”
Essentially, the 2020 NDAA gave wide ranging authorities to the military to conduct clandestine information operations (Irregular Warfare), much like NSPM-13 did for CYBERCOM.
Let’s recap our timeline:
- The 2020 NDAA from December of 2019 gave wide ranging authorities to the military to conduct “clandestine information operations”
- October 2nd, 2020 – The Irregular Warfare annex was added to the National Security Strategy and it came from the office of the ASD SO/LIC (Run by Ezra Cohen-Watnick)
- November 3rd, 2020 – The Presidential election took place and was obviously rife with fraud
- November 7th, 2020 – Joe Biden is declared the winner of the 2020 election
- November 9th, 2020 – Christopher Miller, an Irregular Warfare guru, is named the Acting Secretary of Defense
- November 18th, 2020 – Ezra Cohen-Watnick and Chris Miller give remarks at Fort Bragg during the ceremony which put “Special Operations Command on par with the military services for the first time.”
- December 18, 2020: Chris Miller makes intriguing remarks at the first anniversary of Space Force, saying “we’ve been through some of the most complex military operations this country has ever seen.”
- The 2021 NDAA included a 50% budget increase for 1202 Authority (Irregular Warfare)
- Trump’s DoD transition team “refused to provide information about current operations, specifically in the special operations realm”
What was the purpose of all of this if not to prepare for the implementation of some form of irregular warfare?
Trump and his cabinet knew all along that the crimes of the political establishment were going to culminate with the theft of the 2020 presidential election. He repeatedly told us the election would be stolen. They also knew he would have no choice but to walk away. It was his only option to avoid civil war.
He implemented devolution using irregular warfare – and irregular warfare is exactly what we have been seeing unfold since the day the election was stolen.
This war has been a battle for the narrative.
Ever since Joe Biden was “inaugurated”, his legitimacy has been eroding. Many of us already knew it was a stolen election, but this battle for the narrative is to expose these crimes to Americans who believe Trump is the one staging a coup. None of this would be possible without collusion in the mainstream media, which is why Trump always called them the enemy of the people. Establishment media have been controlling the narrative and subverting the American government for quite some time.
Since January 20th, 2021, the MSM has been losing control of their grip on the narrative, piece by piece. Here are just a few of the narratives that have changed since Joe Biden’s Inauguration:
- Russian Collusion, Spygate, and the Durham Investigation
- Impeachments 1 and 2
- Covid-19
- Biden Family Corruption
- Hunter Biden Laptop
- Most Secure Election in History
- January 6th
- Every Single Aspect of Joe Biden’s Presidency
Each one of these narratives, and many not included, have been dismantled in a coordinated and precise assault.
Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary 2000 Mules is part of that assault. It has undeniably eroded one of the most important narratives that America’s enemies would like to hold onto – that the 2020 election was the most secure in American history.
One month after the issuance of the IW Annex, the election was stolen from Donald Trump and by all appearances, that kicked off a coordinated series of moves wherein Donald Trump’s continuity of government plan was initiated.
On December 7th, 2020, Donald Trump issued Executive Order 13961 along with the “Strategy” to implement the Executive order. This EO and strategy have come to be known as the most significant proof of devolution we have. Within the intro to the strategy, Donald Trump himself tells us exactly what is to come.
The strategy uses eerily similar language to the IW annex. He was telling us that would be entering into a continuity of government plan because we are currently engaged in irregular warfare – a war affecting the legitimacy of our government.
This war over the narrative and control of America has been raging for some time. Trump and his team have been preparing their counteroffensive for years. It was put into motion when the election was stolen. Now it was their turn to affect the legitimacy of those attempting to destroy our country, and even our world.
By walking away from the stolen election, Donald Trump appeared more than weak – he appeared to be defeated. In reality, that was the narrative he sought to create. That narrative was the beginning of the irregular warfare campaign to take back our country.
Another stellar production with sauce for proof!
Awesome, truly well done, well broken down, I hope and pray this gets the viewing it deserves, gob bless America and the people of the free world x
Eloquence and Excellence! Thank you.
Each episode is extraordinarily powerful. Outstanding work by you using Patel Patriot’s magnificent Devolution Series. A million thanks to you both ツ
Great Work
Why did Trump organize January 6th? What part of Devolution did it serve?
Absolutely the most amazing devolved so far. The time and effort put into this must have been exhausting. Keep up the good work and we the people will be watching.
May I curse on here?
You took a sandblaster to my wall of skepticism about The Plan. Some thoughts:
1. The timing of Q’s return and 4PG’s ‘ghost in the machine’ video…. I wonder if Q is a 4PG operation?
2. Bill Barr’s seemingly turning his back on Trump after the election, and Pence/Trump beef about certifying the election…. all an act (disinformation is necessary)??
3. Disagree with the video signaling we are nearing the end. I see it more as a smoke signal to others ‘in the know’ that 4PG is ACTIVELY and/or aggressively involved. They are not only alive and well, but in hot pursuit.
4. Miller thanked Pence, and there was an implied association between Pence and the complex operations. So Pence is obviously deeply involved. Maybe a 4PG or other military asset?
Keep up the good work!!!
Another Fantastic collaboration! Thank you ❤️🤍💙
Very well made. It illustrates pretty accurately what’s happening right now in 2022. I know we all want to see results, myself included, so I’m hoping some things will start coming to light sooner than later, to the point where even the complete brainwashed simpleton would be able to see and understand what is happening.
What a time to be alive…
Holy shit these are good! WWG1WGA!
Hello there, if anyone is interested in watching Pelosi’s daughter admit J6 was a set up watch this