In ELITE HUMAN TRAFFICKING, Mouthy Buddha investigates institutional pedophilia at the highest levels of politics, finance, and fame.
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Mouthy Buddha has been censored from most video platforms and payment platforms for his documentary work. Donate to help him continue to create hard-hitting investigative documentaries.
Excellence! 👌
These people are sick! Anyone caught harming children should be locked up and never released.
Alot of these Pedos have crazy eyebrows. Much like the high up military satanist.
Not mutually exclusive. Satanists worship Baphomet .Children are sacrificed to that idol.
I grew up in a very small town and never realized how prevalent pedophilia was. I would say that 97% of the people I know were molested as a child. I know this because they told me. For some reason during the middle of a conversation they would nonchalantly mention that the uncle, older bother or older cousin raped them for years. I lived being shocked with these confessions for years. I would ask if they ever told on the person and they ALL said no. They were afraid for many different reasons but they all were afraid they wouldn’t be believed and the person they told on would then hurt them more severely. I have to confess that I did get a little upset that they didn’t tell just for the fact that they were not the only victims of their abuser. I think if ______ had just told it wouldn’t have happened to ________.
Then again when I was in Highschool a boy I grew up with killed his mom. He was getting to old and his mom had a drug problem. She had been pimping him out for as long as he could remember. The reason he shot her was because she was getting ready to start doing that to his baby brother as I mentioned he was to old he no longer had a child appearance to him he looked to mature. He went to juvenile prison the pedophile was never named or charged and his baby brother ended up in CPS.
Pedophiles should either be locked up for life or be given the death penalty. I say death penalty myself. There has never been a case were a pedophile was reformed.
Won’t play beyond 14 seconds
I had a similar problem on microsoft edge. Other browsers seem to work okay.
Mouthy Buddha,
I was wondering why your video on Tiger Woods • The POWER Of REDEMPTION, isn’t here, that video was one of my favourite videos, however, I haven’t seen that video in so long. I know you were asked to take it down as well from YouTube before taken off the platform, but how come I can’t find it here. You are free to express yourself here. Please share this video with us, I personally am looking forward to rewatching that video.
Never stop spreading the truth. John 8:32
I love your videos, and your passion to help spread the message against this evil that is pedophilia shows. Thank you for being a voice for the ones that can’t speak for themselves. As a victim in the past, I thank you.