H.A.A.R.P. is a two part series by Mouthy Buddha, exploring DARPA’s High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Project in Gakona, Alaska. H.A.A.R.P. is an ionospheric research base that has drawn the curious eye of many independent researchers that believe the project is used for something other than what its official purpose is claimed to be.
Matthew Mannix says
Very Interesting
Rafael Colindres says
If not for MB, I’d’ve not paid to be on this site.
As per usual, great work.
hiroko shimada says
The style of your film tickle my soul. It is like a box of precious chocolates that I don’t want to eat them all in one hit. I have to carefully choose which one I will taste first and which one will I eat next.
Chelsea Pangle says
What I wish they had taught in school. So much more interesting.
Stephanie L. says
I have throughly enjoyed your videos on BitChute, but I think you could have done a better job of researching this subject. You may want to read CHEMTRAILS EXPOSED A New Manhattan Project by Peter A. Kirby; he’s a reliable source.
Foulshamgirl says
It’s strange but the ordinary man on the street is continually blamed for causing the world to be damaged, or allegedly damaged, but the reality is that it is scientists, just like the one that wishes to play God, that has been the cause of all the poisons and toxins which are the ACTUAL causes of damage to our planet.
We, the ordinary folk, never asked scientists to make these toxically damaging chemicals, yet they did so anyway.
We never asked for our crops or our water to be chemically altered, but they did anyway.
So now, after years of toxically poisoning our world, they now want to do EVEN more that could end up causing so much damage it may never be fixed.
These scientists and their billionaire backers appear to be clinically insane, they don’t know when to stop, they break something, and rather than trying to fix it by not continuing to do what broke it in the first place, they continue to break it even more in the hope they can fix what THEY broke in the first place.
Our world is NOT heating up.
Data is misrepresented by NASA and NOAA for political reasons and many scientists have been sounding the alarm for years about the amount of climate scare misinformation that is pumped out to an unsuspecting public.
The problem we have is many scientists can only receive funding from benefactors or billionaires if they produce the answers that these people desire, if they find something that doesn’t fit with the desired narrative then their funding dries up, so naturally and because they are only human, they tend to always find what they’ve been funded to find, but it doesn’t mean that there was a problem in the first place, it just means that those scientists will omit anything that doesn’t fit the prescribed narrative.
Many scientists who are not funded to find climate issues are sounding the alarm, those with no vested interests are concerned that those with vested interests are skewing the data so much that we now have a situation which is beginning to harm the world citizens, the lies are having a devastating effect.
Our world is ever-changing, there has never been a period of climatic perfection, CO2 is more beneficial than detrimental and yet we’re sold the lie that it is killing our world, in fact, any further lowering of CO2 would be detrimental.
CO2 means better plant growth, more rain, so less dependence on underground aquifers and a warmer climate, benefitting everyone, considering we have been far warmer in the past, most notably during the Egyptian and Roman periods, when there was no ill effects from the climate warming.
CJHerrington says
Very well written. Couldn’t have said it better myself. Bravo.
Tmoo says
All I know is this. I live in Central Tx. Roughly 2 weeks ago I remarked on the trails in the sky being a grid. We have barely seen the sun for 2 weeks.
Elijah789 says
All these people playing God, not only in this country, but other countries too. It won’t end well. Thank you MB for this insightful information.
Jb1 says
Ah. Come on guys. Its global warming, for sure. Trust me. What are you doing to show accountability, bro?