The 9/11 Commission Report blamed radical al Qaeda terrorists for the horrific terror attacks carried out on American soil. However, the official report failed to mention Gelatin and E-Team. Who are they and what are the implications of their connections to Mossad? And just what exactly is “The B-Thing?” Written by Adam Riva and edited by Mouthy Buddha, ORDER OUT OF CHAOS VOL 1: THE B-THING investigates the true culprits behind the most notorious false flag attack in modern history, how they engineered it, and how they got away with it.
On August 18, 2001, just 24 days before the terror attacks of September 11th, The New York Times ran an article entitled Balcony Scene (Or Unseen) Atop the World; Episode at Trade Center Assumes Mythic Qualities. The article profiled Gelatin, a group of subversive Austrian artists, who were interviewed about their covertly installed “art exhibit” in Tower 1 of the World Trade Center. The group’s members are Wolfgang Gantner, Florian Reither, Ali Janka and Tobias Urban.
Gelatin called their “art project” the “B-Thing.” The team removed windows on the 91st floor of the North tower and constructed a small, cantilevered balcony for people to pose on as their photographs were taken by a helicopter that orbited the skyscrapers. On December 1, 2010, one of Gelatin’s members, Florian Reither, gave a lecture where he described the events of the project in greater detail.
The stunt took place on March 31st, 2000, 18 months before 9/11, and lasted for 20 minutes. Gelatin gained access not just to 1WTC, but the entire WTC complex by obtaining temporary construction passes through the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council’s Open Studios for World Views program which, according to their website, “offered studio space to artists on in the 90th and 91st floors of the North Tower.”
The Lower Manhattan Cultural Council received the space in the North tower as a donation from the NYC Port Authority. The only other occupants on the 91st floor of the North tower were 11 employees of the American Bureau of Shipping [additional source]. One of the employees, Clair McIntyre, later told the 9/11 Commission that there was an artist who stayed overnight on the 91st floor the morning of the attacks, as well as 4 or 5 electricians.
Although this art project seemed to be a publicity stunt and the artists were originally quite eager to divulge information about “The B-Thing” – including posing for photographs – their openness suddenly ceased, and the artists suddenly came to believe that it was “dangerous” to talk to reporters about it. They became secretive, defensive, and opaque when pressed for more information. The article insinuates that the art project was shrouded in suspicious activity.
“Their dealer, who witnesses say watched the event from a hotel suite, now claims it never happened. Either the balcony was an elaborate hoax meant to look real, or the inverse is true: it really happened, and the closer it comes to being found out, the more those involved would prefer for everyone to think it was a hoax.”
One of the four so-called “artists,” Ali Janka, even called the New York Times reporters several times to protest the publication of their article.
Although Gelatin received most of the credit for this bizarre undertaking, the event was a collaboration between Gelatin – who handled the balcony portion of the operation – and a group called E-Team who managed the helicopter portion. E-Team was comprised of Franziska Lamprecht, Hajoe Moderegger, and Daniel Seiple.
On February 28, 2002, the International Foundation for Art Research (IFAR), hosted a symposium called September 11th: Art Loss, Damage, and Repercussions. The Director of Visual & Media Arts for the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, Moukhtar Kocache, published an essay entitled The Artist Residency Program in the Twin Towers.
Kocache paid his respects to what the foundation lost on 9/11. He then briefly discussed the enigmatic E-Team.
“A project by the [name] E-Team, a performance art group, also dealt with the building itself. In Quick Click, the E-Team attempted to make photographic portraits of people in the studio from a helicopter that was hovering outside the building. Two members of the E-Team were in the helicopter, another in the studio space, and people were lined up along the windows to have their portraits taken.”
Just to clarify, we have one event going by two different names with two different groups of “artists.” Gelatin called this event “The B-Thing” while E-Team called the same event “Quick Click.” When pressed for more details, Gelatin and their art dealer both emphatically denied the event took place and harassed journalists who were writing a story about them.
According to an article entitled published by Truth Alliance,
“Moukhtar Kocache, the director of the studio program, insisted that the photos of the balcony were obviously faked. But digital manipulation experts disagreed. George Dash, the co-owner of Nucleus Imaging on East 30th Street, and a colleague, John Grasso, used magnifying loupes to examine a copy of ”The B-Thing.” Neither could detect inconsistencies. ”The angles are all too perfect,” Mr. Grasso said. ”It looks real to me. Absolutely. I’ve been doing this for 22 years.”
In his essay, Kocache also discussed another project that E-Team carried out in March of 2001 called “127 Windows.”
“In another project, the E-Team attempted to write their names on the exterior of the Towers themselves.”
He references Figure 2 which portrays an artist’s rendering of what the project was supposed to look like. Just six months later, Flight 11 would crash into this exact spot on 1WTC, between floors 93-99.
E-Team publicly released their footage of Quick Click (aka The B-Thing) wherein we can clearly see the helicopter crew wearing hats that featured the group’s name. The people wearing E-Team hats are the same people featured in E-Team’s profile on TravelHome.org, corroborating that this footage is authentic.
The helicopter that E-Team flew in was owned by Liberty Helicopters which still offers tours of NYC to the present. From the video we can read that the model number is N666LH.
Text at the opening of the film reads,
“The E-Team will hover for 20 minutes in front of the 91st floor of 1WTC to take your picture in the Quick Click window. You can come back the next day and pick up your free Quick Click picture at the E-Team tower.”
Although the team promised to provide participants with the photographs, many assert that the participants were denied their pictures when they dropped by to pick them up.
A well-known internet entrepreneur named Josh Harris, once worth $95 million, explained that he joined the group after he was introduced to Gelatin through their art dealer, 24-year-old Leo Koenig.
Harris told the Times that the night before the B-Thing,
“He rented a top-floor suite at the Millennium Hilton, across the street from the Gelatin studio, and invited people to what guests described as a night of decadence. Near dawn, he and several others took cameras and boarded a helicopter, communicating with Gelatin via cell phone.”
As of 2016, Harris told the The Daily Mail that he believes he is under FBI surveillance for his involvement in The B-Thing.
A female artist who knew about the B-Thing in its early planning phase, Maria Hassabi, spent time on the 91st floor while Gelatin was constructing the balcony as well as watching the stunt as it was pulled off live. She detailed her account for Spike Magazine in the Spring of 2020. Her testimony, if true, adds a key piece of enigmatic evidence to the story.
“Oddly enough, the helicopter and hotel photos were meant to serve as exhibition material for Gelatin’s show at Leo Koenig Gallery the following year. Whether by coincidence or some unnameable cosmic force, the opening day of the exhibition was 11 September 2001.”
This is corroborated by an article that was printed in December 2001 in a special issue of Art Forum magazine. After a certain number of coincidences, even the staunchest skeptic must concede that something bizarre was afoot.
Some believe that Edna Cintron, one of the infamous victims who was trapped and waving for help from the windows near the crash site, can be seen in the Gelatin video at 9:11, indicating that the team likely allowed people who worked on or near the 91st floor to participate.
Why did Gelatin initially give public interviews about “The B-Thing” before suddenly denying their involvement? Why did their art dealer deny that it even happened, despite photographic and videographic proof? One line of reasoning leads us to the conclusion that the artists simply didn’t want the authorities to learn their identities and press criminal charges. Another line of reasoning leads us down a deep dark rabbit hole.
Shortly after their crime, Gelatin published a 62-page book on the stunt which featured behind-the-scenes photographs, pictures of the artists, and an array of disturbing hand-drawn images. New copies of the book are selling for $999, while secondhand copies are going for nearly $3,000 on Amazon. It is safe to assume this book is not intended for widespread distribution.
According to the August 2001 article,
“…the book is demure to the point of being oblique. What little explanation it contains appears to have been scribbled in ballpoint. Among the photos and schematic drawings, there are doodles of tarantulas with human heads.”
The book’s introduction reads,
“Nobody, including the other artist sharing the same studio space, knew anything of their plans.”
We can observe from the photographs that the 91st floor was unfinished, which means the internal steel girders of the building were accessible to Gelatin. According to Simon Aldridge, an artist who worked there until the towers were destroyed, “The beams were exposed and there were no walls. Those floors had never been occupied before.” Gelatin filled the entire floor with cardboard boxes tightly stacked to the ceiling.
We can clearly read “BB 18” on all the boxes. BB 18 happens to be the model number for a fuse-holder accessory manufactured by a company called Littelfuse. According to Florian Reither, the team just happened to find all the boxes folded up and decided to use them for privacy. However, if there really were fuse-holders in those boxes, there would likely be tens of thousands of them.
There is fierce debate online whether these accessories are even capable of being used to detonate explosives, but the jury is out. The word “fuse” can refer to two separate and unrelated devices. An electrical fuse protects from surging or overpowering, while a demolition fuse is a wire or cable that acts as a catalyst for a volatile chemical reaction, usually resulting in an explosion. However, some have pointed out that C4 can use an electric charge to detonate. On the other hand, some assert there is likely no need for fuse holders, which protect from electrical surges, when demolishing a building.
It is worth noting that many believe the group’s name Gelatin is a reference to the explosive device of the same name. Invented in 1875, Gelignite is a sticky bomb that is used in construction and mining operations. It is also referred to as blasting gelatin or jelly and it cannot be used without a detonator. Many believe B-Thing and Gelatin combined could refer to “blasting gelatin.” Furthermore, E-Team could have referred to “explosive team.” Proponents of this theory point out that the group Gelatin officially changed the spelling of their name to Gelitin in 2005, perhaps to make the association less obvious.
Some call The B-Thing book the smoking gun. It depicts dozens of disturbing drawings including someone falling headfirst from the 91st floor with the words “300 meters of pure pleasure.”
Another excerpt from the book reads,
“nobody but gelatin is officially involved into the project.
there will be an attorney telling gelatin how to behave.
there will be an attorney responsible to handle the case for gelatin.”
On their website, Gelatin once featured a still frame of firefighters walking past gutless dummies in steel frames that match the dimensions of the WTC windows. The still image is from real footage taken by Jules Naudet. (9:09). Until recently, the Naudet film was believed to be the only footage of the first plane hitting the WTC. The film has been analyzed meticulously by thousands of internet sleuths and is widely believed to have been staged to look “accidental” or “lucky.”
Thanks to a Freedom of Information Act request (NIST FOIA Release #25 42A0108 G25D18, Video #2 Collapse of WTC 2 & 1), the public gained access to additional footage of the same framed dummies (seen at 04:30), only this time they were located outside the WTC at ground level.
Why would Gelatin deliberately associate their so-called art project with the terror attacks of 9/11? Isn’t that disrespectful to the victims, at the very least? What compelled them to use this image specifically? Why were these life-size human dummies important enough for the group to include on their website and why didn’t they bother offering an explanation?
Were Gelatin and E-Team involved in the preparation of the false flag attack on the WTC? Many believe that they used coded language and images to announce their plans and later boast about their success. Because their works are left open to interpretation, it affords them plausible deniability. However, the fact that the 9/11 Commission Report does not mention Gelatin or E-Team only adds to the suspicion, because there are plenty of red flags and questions raised the deeper one digs into the topic. On Gelatin’s own website, they reflect on the “B-Thing” with an unsettling choice of words, describing their project as “conspiratorial work.”
“They kept very mum about it all, because if word had crept out about their coup they could have been fined very heavily for sabotaging a national treasure.”
Although Gelatin’s art group consisted of 4 members, photographs featured in the B-Thing reveal that there were at least 2 other anonymous co-conspirators (12:20) involved in their crime. Could there have been more?
According to a 2009 article by Truth Alliance, an Israeli spy ring in America was busted shortly after 9/11 which revealed connections between the WTC’s art residency program and Mossad.
“Hanan Serfaty was arrested by DEA agents in connection to the Israeli spy ring. What makes him stand out, is that he was listed as being an art student who was a part of the World Views program, which was in the World Trade Center on floors 90 and 91 in the Lower Manhatten Cultural Council. Although he is not listed by Gelitin as a member of “The B-Thing,” the listing of the identities of the other 14 students who were on floor 91 at the time was never released to the public, neither was the total list of those involved in the stunt which numbers at a minimum of 6.”
The article goes on to reveal that not only was the art residency program connected to Mossad, but the so-called art students also lived in very close proximity to known terrorists that were on the FBI’s watch list.
“The proximity of so many of the alleged art students in Hollywood, Florida, to the alleged mastermind of the attacks of September 11, Mohammed Atta, should require no comment. Equally eye-catching is the frequency with which the alleged art students had such non-artistic gifts such as backgrounds in explosive ordinance demolition and military special operations. Their intense interest in establishing contact with drug enforcement agents opens additional questions.”
Were Gelatin and E-Team involved with an elaborate plot to destroy the Twin Towers? Combine this with other suspicious so-called “maintenance” events performed on the buildings leading up to September 11th, such as the fireproofing, elevators, and the electrical power downs, many of which required full evacuations of the towers, and you are left with more questions than answers.
We know the terror attacks carried out on September 11th were self-inflicted wounds. Corrupt actors that have compromised segments of the United States’ government engineered the events to catalyze unconstitutional wars, the advent of the TSA, the passage of the Patriot Act, and newfound public support for surveillance and tyranny. False flag attacks are commonly used by the globalists who wish to bring about a New World Order. Ordo ab chao, order out of chaos.
TimelessBased says
MORE please!
OhNoAO says
Yet another brilliant display of
what outstanding investigative journalism and undeniable evidence can prove when used together. Bravo!!
AshleyStar says
That was like an Amuse-bouche. Looking forward to more.
Anonymous says
You are am amazing researcher: This is NUTS.
afnicholls43@gmail.com says
Awesome video, really informative, never heard of this prior to watching xxx god bless xxx
BluSoul says
Keep it comin’ guys! This is great stuff!
LittleBarnette says
Excellent! After watching, I searched out the video made by the E-Team you reference here. I noticed that while they do film a helicopter with the number N666LH while waiting, the one that actually takes them up is numbered N402LH. That doesn’t take away from the otherwise sketchy nature of this endeavor, IMO.
Adam Riva says
Great catch! Thanks for the correction!
JohnnyRebel says
Yea, I checked it too and one of the choppers has tail nr 666. Not the one that was used tho. First time I catch Mouthy on a discrepancy like this. I let it slide as the chopper is in use of that company.
skilibeng says
Wow speechless, nothing will stop the truth
QNotAConspiracy says
Astonishing. After all these years and just now hearing about this absolutely boggles my mind. I want to share to everyone I know but other than here I can’t find it anywhere and can’t show anybody..how can I share? Will it be out soon free on Rumble and Bitchute? Email is corey_20hampshire@hotmail.com
iAmSuzy4u says
Wow I visited New York May 23 – June 3 2001. I made it to eating on windows of the world and I remember looking down thinking everyone looked like tiny ants.
sassafrass says
Mouthy Buddha does it AGAIN!
Had no clue about these “artists” which adds another layer to how the United States is a playground for those in power…
DLF41 says
Opens up more to connects dots. Very good info!
USAgirl says
Unbelievable. I’ve never heard of any of this before watching this video. I am grateful for those of you who know how to do phenomenal research like this. You’re all going to break the matrix once and for all. Incredible work on this. I look forward to more videos! Thank you to everyone who contributes to this series. 🙏🏼
A says
Amazing work- so informative. Thank you for your work, you’ve opened my eyes on so many subjects, but this was especially profound.
DeeDee221 says
Hi, I’m trying to watch this but it keeps stopping around 14 minutes. Then no matter where I try to run it after that it won’t run.
Dugan101 says
Always top notch audio-video. Worth every penny for membership. Cheers.
hagenshape says
You should win a Pulitzer for this.
Chickenhead says
“Gelitin” is back…