In PEDOGATE 2020, Mouthy Buddha investigates evidence of pedophilia and child trafficking hiding in plain sight.
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It was good. I wish it got more into the cia projects and other black budget stuff that’s has connections to these pedos if there was at all
Should of talked more about the sick shit bill wiener Hillary and them did with the lil people and torture or SRA
At 8:11 it stops
So what do you think of D Steele dying from COVID-19? An ex-C I A agent that knew Hydroxychloroquine worked? Took video while on his “death bed” in ICU?!? Right before that he went on a tour for election integrity. One of his last videos in his basement office showed bare walls he said it was because his wife was going to redecorate while he was out on tour. I don’t believe he recorded anymore videos in his office once off tour. What about the guy that wrote the book that chic painted the cover art for. I tried watching some of his videos but honestly he creeped me the heck out!! Made me question D.S. My intuition has saved me & my friends many times from old pervs. Who knows? Just my thoughts on the subject. I hate to even write this down but it eats at me and I thought who better to bring this up to other than Mouthy Buddha? This is just one persons inner feelings I don’t mean to besmirch anyone and definitely not those who fight the good fight but by his own admission he was an expert at misleading people. Thanks again for the videos. People have a right to the info so they can decide for themselves.
I can’t view any videos even though I have a paid subscription
RDS is (was) authentic.
RDS is (was) authentic. Hopefully he was taken into protective custody and the Covid death is just a cover. Or maybe he was punished by whitehats for previous crimes 🤷♀️. I do not buy that he, nor Veronica Wolski of The People’s Bridge actually died of covid (or hopefully even Diamond for that matter). I’m an eternal optimist.