Written by Adam Riva and edited by Mouthy Buddha, SUICIDED takes a closer look at the curious lives and deaths of those who sought to expose the silent epidemic of child trafficking.
Former General Michael Flynn on Truth Social on 7/14/2022:
“…another impactful, powerful and epic film. To understand the evil inside the mind of someone who would hurt a child for indescribable purposes is beyond my imagination but it is very real. This film will go down in history as one of the most important in human history. Must see.”
Journalist Liz Crokin on Truth Social:
“This is a very informative mini-documentary connecting a lot of dots of people who have been “suicided” who were exposing or potentially had planned to expose trafficking and elite pedophile rings.”
In November of 2009, a woman named Laura Silsby founded a nonprofit called The New Life Children’s Refuge which described its mission as attempting to rescue orphaned and abandoned children in Haiti and Dominican Republic. Two months later, on January 29, 2010, Silsby was arrested for attempting to traffic 33 orphan children out of Haiti without documentation. The world would later learn through Wikileaks that Hillary Clinton was sent email updates from Huma Abedin and other associates regarding Silsby’s incarceration and developing legal case.
This was not the first time Silsby found herself facing child trafficking charges. Silsby had been caught once before by Haitian police attempting to traffic 40 children out of the country. However, in that incident, no charges were brought against her and she was merely turned back at the border.
A week after Silsby was apprehended the second time, on February 7, 2010, former President Bill Clinton appointed Silsby a lawyer by the name of Jorge Puello. Puello was successful in getting Silsby’s charges reduced to 6 months.
Jorge Puello had a colorful history with human trafficking as well. He was convicted of operating an international sex trafficking ring involving women and underage girls out of Central American and Haiti. Puello’s wife was also arrested on the same charges.
In 2011, Silsby was appointed as CFO of the software company Konexus and would later become its Vice President of Marketing. Konexus operates AlertSense which is the mass notification software used in FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert & Warning System, or IPAWS. One of IPAWS functions is to issue Amber Alerts to the public in the event of kidnapping. The Amber Alert system was set up during Bill Clinton’s presidency. In 2015, Laura Silsby married Norman Gayler and took his last name, which is how her name appears on the Konexus website.
How does a woman who was caught multiple times attempting to traffic children internationally get promoted to the executive team of the preeminent kidnapping warning system in the country, and why did the Clintons intervene in her trial? More importantly, what exactly is going on in Haiti? (another article)
The morning of July 26, 2019, Twitter users saw #ClintonBodyCount trending, just weeks before Jeffrey Epstein had reportedly committed suicide in his prison cell. The phrase “Clinton body count” was nothing new and had become a meme in forums across the internet years prior. It references the seemingly anomalous amount of Clinton associates who died suspiciously or under mysterious circumstances.
Izette Folger, a close friend of Clinton associate James Alefantis, gave a statement in support of Silsby during her trial. Folger is the daughter of Michael Maccoby, who coaches leaders of Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos, or NPH, a large organization that runs orphanages all over the world.
Folger’s son, Max Maccoby, is on the Boards of Directors of an NPH orphanage called Friends of the Orphans, which is one of 760 orphanages operating in Haiti, and happens to be the exact orphanage from which Silsby was caught trafficking children. Curiously, Max Maccoby gave an emphatic and lengthy statement of support for Comet Pizza during a contentious neighborhood commission meeting back when the Pizzagate controversy exploded. (The relevant portion of the audio file starts at 31:40.)
It is also worth noting here that Frank Giustra, owner of the Radcliffe Foundation, is on the board of directors for the Clinton Foundation and is a major donor to the organization. The logo of Elpida Home, a refugee center founded by the Radcliffe Foundation, happens to be almost identical in shape and color to the boylover symbol that the FBI declassified in 2007. Wikileaks published this material in a dump entitled “Symbols and Logos Used by Pedophiles to Identify Sexual Preferences.”
The Death of Monica Petersen
Regardless of the veracity of Pizzagate, scandals seem to follow the Clintons. Their ties to pedophilia don’t end there.
Monica Petersen was a research intern at the Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking (LCHT) and a Research Fellow and Assistant Director at the Human Trafficking Center (HTC). She also served on the Colorado Human Trafficking Council’s Data & Research Task Force. Peterson wrote and spoke prolifically on human trafficking.
On August 15, 2015, Monica announced her plan to visit Haiti to conduct research on human trafficking and subsequently began living there full time.
On January 3rd, 2016, Monica shared with her friend Bella some of her findings based on her field work in Haiti up to that point. By this time she had already become aware of corruption by the Clintons in Haiti based on what we know from their correspondence. In fact, she was getting ready to dive full time.
“Ms. Clinton has corrupt & dirty business to finish in Haiti … This is the theory my master’s thesis puts forth… this is modern structural slavery.”
The day after, on January 4th, 2016, Monica again shared with her friend Bella some more of her findings.
“But the real significance of this scandal for me, I know you feel me Bella, is the link to contemporary slavery and trafficking. I can’t say to what extent, but there is human trafficking happening through the Clinton’s [Caracol] Complex.”
Bella re-shared this post by Monica to a Facebook group she belonged to. By this point, Monica seemed to be investigating the Clinton Foundation’s child trafficking ties full time.
On November 13, 2016, Monica Petersen was reported dead in Haiti, although no body was ever retrieved for the family’s burial service.
Monica’s family was told that she committed suicide but they were kept in the dark as to the exact details of her death. Monica’s mother has publicly stated that she does not believe her daughter had any reason to commit suicide.
Petersen’s professor, Claude d’Estrée, said the following about her death,
“(She) decided to take on one of the demagogues in the field of human trafficking… [She] produced a 110-page analysis of human trafficking in Haiti – 2 years of research… We were looking for someone who was smart enough and maybe brave enough to publish her work… I will continue to seek out and publish it for her.”
After making this statement, d’Estrée suddenly disavowed any connection between Petersen and human trafficking and the Clintons.
“D’Estree said Petersen had gone to Haiti a number of times, but she was not there to research human trafficking and was not investigating the Clinton Foundation.”
Why would d’Estrée do a public 180? It turns out that d’Estrée worked as a supervisor in the U.S. Attorney’s office on behalf of DynCorp between 1999 and 2002. This coincides with the exact time period DynCorp was caught sex trafficking children in Bosnia and Kosovo and no prosecutions were made. DynCorp played an active role in sexual abuses in Haiti.
(Full investigation and sources)
The Death of Chris Cornell
What if Monica Petersen was actually on to something before she died? What if her discoveries were true? Has anyone else unearthed the Clinton Foundation’s alleged ties to human trafficking?
Chris Cornell was the vocalist of the popular band SoundGarden. He and his wife, Vicky, worked with six different charity organizations for nearly a decade. In 2012, they founded the Chris and Vicky Cornell Foundation which strives to support and protect abused and sexually exploited children from around the world. The couple eventually became involved with one of their foundation’s partner organizations, Aid Still Required, helping sexually abused orphans out of Haiti. Aid Still Required has received donations from the Clinton Foundation.
According to a source that spoke with Freedom Daily,
“It was during this time that Cornell discovered that these orphans weren’t being placed into better environments after all, but were then being sold into sexual slavery and human trafficking rings.”
In May of 2017, Chris Cornell was found hanged to death in the MGM Grand Hotel, leaving behind his wife Vicky and their three children. He was discovered with nine broken ribs, blood splattered on the wall, and had suffered head trauma before he died. His death was officially declared a suicide, but his family and close friends insist he was in no way suicidal. Many of the details of his “suicide” simply don’t add up.
For instance, Chris had just performed a full concert with no apparent signs of having 9 broken ribs. Chris’ body was found cold to the touch which would have taken at least two hours in a hotel room. This would place the time of his death between 11pm and 11:30pm when his bodyguard, Martin Kirsten, was reportedly with him. There is no official explanation for what caused the blood stain on the wall next to his body. His feet were touching the floor meaning he was only partially suspended by his neck. Furthermore, Chris’ bodyguard claims that he had to kick in the door to his hotel room to discover Chris dead. Not only is this nearly impossible to do without a door-breaching mini-ram, the crime scene report indicated no sign of forced entry.
After reviewing the autopsy report and position of the body, world renowned forensic pathologist, Dr. Werner Spitz, concluded that Cornell’s death was not a suicide. Dr. Spitz has worked many high-profile murder investigations including Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and John F. Kennedy and served as an expert witness during the O.J. Simpson and Casey Anthony trials.
“Speaking to TMD, a source close to Cornell has come forward claiming that he had uncovered evidence of a “cocaine and child trafficking ring” in Mena, Arkansas, that was tied to Bill and Hillary Clinton. According to the source, Mr. Cornell had uncovered the identities of high-level Elites that were part of the same “Satanic Illuminati Occult Operation” as the Clintons and planned on exposing their “goings-on” right before he died.”
It is rumored that Cornell was authoring a book that named names and exposed the Clinton Foundation’s alleged ties to a child trafficking ring in Haiti, although this cannot be substantiated.
The Death of Chester Bennington
Two months later, it was reported that Linkin Park front-man Chester Bennington committed suicide on Chris Cornell’s birthday. Bennington and Cornell were reportedly working collaboratively to expose a pedophile ring operating in the music industry and elsewhere. Again, this cannot be substantiated. However, that doesn’t mean that Bennington’s death – and life, for that matter – is without intrigue.
Linkin Park was hand-picked by John Podesta to promote an organization called Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) in Haiti which received a $250,000 grant from the Clinton Foundation even though they did not apply for it. Bennington and Cornell were both associated with the Haiti-based nonprofit Aid Still Required.
One police source was quoted as saying that he believed Bennington was murdered. Oddly, the L.A. coroner’s office took 130 days to release the autopsy report. Chester’ sister, Tobi, has publicly indicated that she believes her brother shared the same fate as Jeffrey Epstein, who famously “didn’t kill himself.” She claims her Twitter account was subsequently hacked and suspended after she publicly shared her suspicions. Chester’s mother, Susan Eubanks, supported Tobi by saying,
“I know it may take some time but the truth will come out!” #pizzagate #pedogate #thisendsnow
Perhaps what is most compelling is the striking resemblance between Bennington and John Podesta which many have said looks like a father-son relationship. It is uncanny how identical the two look. The prevailing theory is that Bennington’s mother, Elaine, had an affair with John Podesta. When Bennington’s biological father found out he was raising another man’s son, he divorced her.
Many investigators believe that Linkin Park is an homage to Lincoln Park, a Canadian military base in Alberta that conducted MKULTRA mind control experiments on children for the purpose of developing “super spies and assassins.” Many children involved in the programs at Lincoln Park were sexually abused. Bennington spoke of being sexually abused as a child. Strangely, his father was a police detective who worked on child sexual abuse cases.
(Best investigation on these singers deaths)
The Death of Andrew Breitbart
Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta, or “Skippy” as he prefers to be called, owns a large and vile collection of what can only be described as pedophile art. Podesta was also Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton. During the Pizzagate scandal, it was exposed that John and his brother Tony have communicate with questionable characters using a code language matching that used by pedophile networks, according to the FBI documents we referenced earlier.
In 2009, James O’Keefe of Project Veritas released undercover videos purporting that ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, had been engaged in underage prostitution. None other than John Podesta was appointed to investigate the scandal.
Journalist Andrew Breitbart was vocal about his disdain for Podesta. In an interview with Dave Weigel, he said,
“Fuck you, John Podesta. What’s in your closet, John Podesta? Big Podesta? Big Soros? Do you want us to play these games? Because we’re playing to win.”
On February 4, 2011, Andrew Breitbart tweeted,
“How prog-guru John Podesta isn’t [a] household name as [a] world class underage sex slave op cover-upper defending unspeakable dregs escapes me.”
Then, a year later, all throughout February 2012, Breitbart telegraphed the release of a video that he said would appear on March 1.
This video, he claimed, would be severely damaging to Obama’s re-election campaign. “Wait till they see what happens March 1,” he said.
Right before the anticipated release, on February 28, 2012, he tweeted,
“How much longer until they kill me (“heart attack” or “car accident”) or frame me for a crime? Read me while you can.”
Andrew died of an alleged heart attack on March 1, 2012—just two days later. The coroner who conducted the investigation died of arsenic poisoning just two months later.
Other Suspicious Deaths
Given the gravely serious nature of investigating international child trafficking rings and their ties to Washington, Hollywood, and the Vatican, there have been many suspicious deaths of whistleblowers and journalistswho have attempted to blow this story open. There is a preponderance of dots that, if connected, may point to those who seek to silence this message. Moreover, this industry of sorrow appears to be international in scope. Human traffickers see borders as mere lines on a map.
One need not look any further than the suspicious death of former police detective Mark Minnie, author of The Lost Boys of Bird Island, an expose of high level child trafficking in South Africa. Shortly after publishing his book, he was found dead by gunshot to the head. His death was ruled a suicide despite his family claiming that he assured them he would never commit suicide. Minnie also told his family that he felt as though he was being followed and was concerned for his life because he was about to expose deeper corruption regarding pedophilia in the government.
One can also examine the case of investigative reporter Lydia Cacho Ribeiro who was beaten, raped, harassed, arrested on false charges, and had her home vandalized when she began investigating systemic child abuse in Mexico. In 2005, she published Los Demonios de Edén (The Demons of Eden), a book exposing a child sex trafficking ring involving politicians, government officials, and businessmen.
Filmmaker Bill Bowen died suddenly under strange circumstances a year after publishing a trailer for his documentary, Innocence Destroyed, exposing corruption in the Child Protective Services. Is it unreasonable to assume foul play was involved with these three brave individuals when this pattern appears virtually everywhere that child trafficking is about to be exposed?
Indeed, there are other investigative journalists and whistleblowers that have been the targets of the very people they sought to expose.
On May 13, 2019, police responded to the scene of an apparent suicide where an individual jumped from a bridge onto a motorway before being struck by a vehicle. Actor Isaac Kappy, age 42, had stated in a livestream 3 days prior to the incident that he would not commit suicide. While making bold statements about the existence of pedophile rings in Hollywood, he acknowledge he was putting himself in harm’s way and had proactively taken steps to ensure his safety, such as setting up a dead man’s trigger.
Do wealthy and powerful groups engage in human trafficking and conspire to systematically cover-up its prevalence? Are the whistleblowers correct in their claims of widespread pedophilia permeating the upper echelons of finance, law enforcement, religion, entertainment, and politics?
We are left in perplexity. Do we go back to believing that activists on a moral crusade routinely kill themselves? Or do we take the harder pill to swallow, and acknowledge that criminal syndicates will go to unspeakable lengths to evade prosecution for their crimes?
Perhaps next time you will pause and reflect on the brave mavericks that died exposing this monstrous black market the next time you read a headline of someone who has been “suicided.”
Timothy MCFARLINE says
Thankyou Adam, incredible, I’m not new to this trail, but the question is now, like the successful coup in America, how do we get ahead of this? We know the tactics, some of the players, the institutions, the familial lineages of aberration. It’s not enough to expose, is it? This hydra head divides when you cut it, so the solution is a strike at the heart of the thing, which is what? Law enforcement at the highest levels complicit,( not specifically individuals on the ground) including FBI, CIA, you name it. So, I’m thinking of solutions. Your thoughts? Thankyou for this heroic effort of yours, I’m with you in every way I can be. My solution, bring back the warrior class and ruling by the sword, the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
Timothy MCFARLINE says
Let me know if I can be of help / service to you in anyway.
Erin Farley says
awesome work man. We should all remember those names and share the actual articles for everyonebto see so no one can claim “meme’s aren’t facts”
Timothy MCFARLINE says
Just watched a 2nd time, thanks for putting these threads together, and moving this study forward. Much appreciated.
Kelly Gillen says
Great information in this video. Short, concise and on track. More please.
Dana Say says
Amazing! Thank you for this.
David Roberts says
Very well done dauntless. I believe this network you and the whistleblowers mentioned in this film have uncovered to be Thousands of years old. The implications keep me up at night my friend.
Darb says
Absolutely Brilliant….. I came here from Mouthy Buddha.
More on this topic yeah?
Malcolm Charlebois says
I would like to think that if the allegations are true regarding Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington preparing a project to blow the lid off this Human Trafficking business in the music industry, other people in their friends and family would have known about it.
Chris Cornell’s wife doesn’t seem to believe that his committing suicide is completely preposterous. Idk.. I think we need to be careful.
That said… Monica Pettersen and Isaac Kappy are DEFINITELY sketchy asf.
Em22 says
CC’s wife is also sketchy AF. Some say he was working his way OUT from under her. I listen to a great podcast that has a few very good deep dives on Cornell and his wife and she was doosie!
Daniel conn says
Supposedly Cornellwas in the process of divorcing her. Listen to his last 2 albums and there are QUITE a few songs about separation, not being separated but future separation. I strongly believe she set up his murder with Martin Kirsten. He is mossad and Vicki was pimped out by her mother growing up. Also what’s up with Chris’s body being cremated less than a week after he died? He converted to Greek Orthodox to marry Vicki because that’s what she is. Greek Orthodox don’t believe in cremation….??? There are many coverups regarding Cornell and Bennington, as well as many many more who suffer the same fate. We can never let them be forgotten.
Bluebirdlee says
Incredible work.
rocknrollspacewitch says
Great work. I would love to see another in depth video about Chester’s past and Cornell, Bourdain and Avicii’s involvement in spreading awareness.
Em22 says
Franklin Cover Up told us ALREADY that these groups exist and theyre rife with pedo politicians and wealthy pervs that are supposed to be the pillars of society. We also know it is ALWAYS covered up first. They dont care about US or our kids!
DisgustedAlien says
Catherine says
Thank you for exposing the child sex trafficking & the suspicious deaths of those exposing it. It’s time to end this disgusting problem globally once and for all. Save the Children 🙏
Disgusted_Alien11 says
Wendy says
They may evade justice in this life, but assuredly not in the next.
God save us & America!
Edmund Robert Paulin says
Anonymous says
Utterly horrific, totally evil and corrupt to the core, where ther is smoke there is usually fire . 😈😈😈
Anonymous says
Bianca032 says
Let’s not forget the epic performance Chester and Chris did in concert just before they were about to finish their documentary. “Hunger Strike” is the most dead giveaway of you just really look into those lyrics and listen to that passionate performance! “They’re taking babies, I can’t feed on the mouths of decadence when my cups already overfilled, but there farming babies, blood’s on the table, but I’m going hungry….”
BluSoul says
Great video! Looking back at Andrew Breitbart’s twitter feed, and I’m unable to find any referencing a video to come out March 1, 2012…the hyperlink in the sources is broken as well.
Jennifer says
I’m friends with the Bennington family. Know his mom and dad and Draven and more. So I’ll ask them if anything on this video is true.
Brechmann says
What about it?
Did you get any information
Aleina says
Chris Cornell obviously did not commit suicide, but this write-up does not show that about Chester Bennington. You even say that “Chester’s mother, Susan” said something on Twitter, and then, less then two sentences later, you say that Chester’s mother is called Elaine. As well as implying that you believe that Chester COMITTED sex trafficking interspersed with implying that you believe he worked against it. Chester has massive and honest show of a personality that would not allow him to do that, as well as obviously being good friends with Chris, if true then he obviously can’t be involved in such things in a bad way, and thus is metal, not pop, so it’s unlikely that musicians would lie about who they are good friends with (except for within their own current band or band members’ relatives). But your article acts like this is what you personally believe is possible, every other sentence.
Maprovet says
Chester’s mom’s name is Susan Elaine Johnson. It’s possible her middle name was referred to in error, or that she goes by her middle name (as many do). I found only scrapings about any possible affair between her & Podesta, so that would be interesting to verify.