The date is October 5th, 2017 and the setting is the White House Press Pool. One Donald J. Trump calls a rather sudden meeting of military officials and their spouses before speaking directly to the cameras in the room. “Maybe it’s the calm before the storm..” the President assured. “You’ll find out,” he said, leaving the matter suspended in limbo.
A frenzy came over the room as reporters shouted questions, demanding clarification. “We have the world’s great military people in this room, I will tell you that. And uh, we’re gonna have a great evening.” The president has been known to toy with the media the way a cat toys with a mouse, but this had a different tone.
Follow the Breadcrumbs
For those paying attention, things are coming to a head behind the scenes. We are talking specifically about the clandestine criminal syndicates that have been controlling governments of various nations for several hundred years and how these psychopaths are being exposed and condemned at an exponential rate.
“Drain the swamp!” was a campaign promise of Donald Trump, matched in fervent support by his other promise to “Lock her up!,” referring to Hillary Clinton, and by extension, her corrupt coterie.
As we review President Trump’s first 9 months in office, what is the right question to ask? Has the president and commander in chief delivered on draining the swamp yet? Or, is it more appropriate to ask, “Has he been able to deliver yet?”
If the swamp needs to be drained, as in, if there are deeply entrenched elements of the Deep State pursuing agendas of their own that run in opposition of the people’s, and by extension, the president’s, this would need to be resolved using drastic measures of secrecy and strategy. It also wouldn’t happen overnight.
Additionally, if there are Deep State entities thwarting and obfuscating the president’s populist reform, would they not attempt to use every media outlet, every politician, and every institution under their influence to outright ridicule, lambast, and demean the president and his supporters at every opportunity? Wouldn’t the majority of people just believe what they are told by the “legitimate” sources?
What Would Disclosure Look Like?
Here’s a mental exercise. Theoretically, what would happen if someone actually challenged the Cabal? Let’s not romanticize the process with idealism. What would actually happen? If the pervasive criminal syndicates behind the world’s stage were to feel threatened, wouldn’t they resort to drastic measures of self-preservation? You know, like staging events to distract and releasing headlines to confuse.
There would definitely be tight-lipped secrecy from the “good guys.” Although, we would invariably hear whispers from whistleblowers if we were paying attention.
Recent Whistleblowers Stepping Forward
It seems like each week there is a new whistleblower coming forward with hefty chunks of intel and predictions of the disclosure process. Sometimes, anonymity is the closest we will ever get to learning these heroes true identities.
Whistleblowers have been with us all along. Household names like Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning are just a few of the low-ranking names to be added to a long list of mavericks who broke ranks to leak secrets of the Deep State.
They are joined by individuals higher on the totem pole, with much greater need-to-know security clearances. Sergeant Robert Dean, Robert Wood, William Tompkins, Pete Peterson, Henry Deacon, and many others have risked their lives to share their respective knowledge from first hand involvement in “nonexistent” SAP (special access programs) or Black Ops projects.
We will address some of their leaks momentarily. First, let’s look at the chess board.
What is the “Alliance?”
It doesn’t matter who you voted for. It doesn’t matter if you voted at all. What matters is whether or not you are connecting the dots in real time. It is now abundantly clear and undeniable that there are warring factions behind the scenes of the West, America specifically.
On the one side, you have criminal syndicates who have stolen elections, staged false flag events, colluded with foreign governments to push dehumanist agendas, involved in the trafficking of humans, drugs, uranium, and weapons, involved in pedophilia and child sacrifice, taken control of the mainstream media outlets, the entertainment industry, central banks, the food system, the hospital-industrial complex, and large segments of the Army and the Airforce.
On the other side, you have freedom-loving patriots from within the Military, the Navy, the Pentagon, and various other intelligence agencies who are pushing for full yet strategic disclosure of suppressed technologies, true history, and the exposure and arrests of the aforementioned criminal syndicates.
Steve Pieczenik Steps Forward
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Let’s look at some interesting facts.
On November 2, 2016, Inquisitr ran an article covering some claims made by Steve Pieczenik. Let’s read an excerpt from this article.
“Dr. Steve Pieczenik has made a series of serious accusations on YouTube that, if proven true, will easily be the most important ever made in American history….
[Pieczenik is] a Harvard Ph.D. and was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker….
He also served the presidential administrations of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush.
[He] has been called “one of the most ‘brilliantly competent’ men in the field of terrorism” by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Mary McGrory.
Tom Clancy has literally based books on this guy’s experience….
In the first video he released yesterday, Dr. Pieczenik announces that he [represents] a broad coalition of many individuals in the FBI, the CIA, military intelligence, and men and women in 15 other intelligence organizations.
[They] are engaging in a bloodless counter-coup against the “soft coup” that he says the Clintons, the current administration and many other top government officials have enacted [through overtaking the judiciary and many other American institutions]….
He also said he and his friends are the source of the leaked emails that WikiLeaks has been releasing, which would corroborate what award-winning human rights activist Craig Murray said after his friendly visit with Julian Assange two weeks ago.
“I can tell you with 100% certainty that it is not any Russian state actor or proxy that gave the Democratic National Committee and Podesta material to WikiLeaks.”
And in his second video, Pieczenik delivered a shocking message: according to him, Hillary Clinton is about to be charged not only with obstruction of justice, but also with sex with minors.
According to Dr. Steve Pieczenik, both Hillary Clinton and her husband have sex with underage children, and he says they have proof.”
While several Alliance members have stepped forward and given many interviews, such as Pete Peterson and Corey Goode, Steve Pieczenik was one of the first ones to step into the mainstream with bold claims of a counter-coup working overtime in a power struggle with the Clinton/Bush/Obama/Soros criminal syndicates.
It is believed that other public figures are loosely affiliated with the group such as Dr. Steven Greer who organized the Disclosure Project which met before the National Press Club on May 9, 2001. The Disclosure Project was comprised of hundreds of government insiders and special access whistleblowers sharing their knowledge of and involvement in the cover-up of extraterrestrial technologies, extraterrestrial presence, secret space programs, and other unclassified projects.
In another interview, Pieczenik went on to further elucidate saying,
“The Clintons have been involved in co-opting our Whitehouse, our judiciary, our CIA, our FBI, our Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, and our Director of the FBI, James Comey for some time now….
However, in order to stop this coup we in the intelligence community and others involved have informally gotten together.
With their permission, I am beginning to announce that we’ve initiated a counter-coup through Julian Assange and Wikileaks.
I am just a small part of something far bigger than myself.
It was the brave men and women who were in the FBI, CIA, the Director of Intelligence, the military intelligence, and the men and women in fifteen other intelligence organizations who were sick and tired of seeing this corruption in the Whitehouse, justice department, and the intelligence system.
We decided there was something we had to do in order to save the republic.”
Benjamin Fulford’s Sources Corroborate
Benjamin Fulford, who stepped forward and began giving interviews with Project Camelot in 2008 has recently published some poignant updates from various sources corroborating that something big is underfoot.
On October 9, 2017, Fulford wrote on his website,
“Suddenly all sorts of people who dropped contact after the March 11, 2011 Fukushima terror attack are trying to contact the White Dragon Society (WDS) through this writer. These include a top Yakuza assassin, a senior MI6 operative, an NSA representative, a representative from a new CIA faction, and others. They, together with our regular contacts, all agree that something big is coming.”
FBI Whistleblower Corroborates Deep State War
On March 5, 2017, an anonymous FBI whistleblower gave an interview with Victurus Libertas, where he said some of the following interesting statements.
“The People outnumber the Government 300 to 1. It’s a numbers game. We expected high-level arrests to happen weeks ago, but discovered the bee keepers had interfered at the highest levels. There is an internal war within our Government, as many know. The Shadow State is like a vampire facing dawn. They do not go easily into sunlit areas….
Q: How will this all play out?
A: We are entering a time of political purge – the likes of which has not been seen for decades, if not centuries.
Trump has the evidence he needs to launch an investigation into a myriad of DC collusions.
He must concentrate on the communications between Lynch, Bill Clinton, Obama, and Brennan. He needs to get serious with the pedophilia investigation….
His greatest tools include the Wiener file titled “Life Insurance“. (Names, dates, photo’s, videos.)
[The best tools also include] the Epstein videos captured by NSA when they were being delivered to Israeli intel, Wiener and Epstein.
But, his greatest tool is the collective rage of the People. Trump must prosecute #PedoGate.”
Another Leak Via TBR News
On March 14, 2017, the website TBR News which ostensibly has high level insider sources, posted the following.
“Washington, D.C. March 14, 2017: “”One of the coming releases of highly negative culled email finds is a truly disgusting compendium of top American political, business and social leaders’ downloading and participation in pedophilic pornography.
The viewers, and participants include: Two former Presidents, sixteen Senators, thirty five Congressmen, seventy-seven top bureaucrats, fifty-two bankers and other leading businessmen are topics of this file.
[This is] a file replete with pictures of the perps that would be forbidden on XHamster, the Ukrainian pornographic site.
An advanced posting of this filth has been circulating, via the Deep Internet, to various interested people and when, not if, it goes public, it will put the Podesta papers to shame.
It will also put a number of the nation’s top leaders to even worse shame.
The outraged public might well end up displaying the perverts in trees.
A Washington wind chime!”
On April 20, 2017, the same website published the following intel regarding upcoming Wikileaks disclosures.
“Here are only some of the intercepted documents the controllers of WikiLeaks are working on:
- Leading American political figures who regularly search and download child pornography, the so-called Kiddie Porn, from a Ukrainian site.
- A CIA plan to assassinate Vladimir Putin. A deliberate car “accident” was already attempted in Moscow.
- Large-scale bribery by Saudi Arabia of leading American political figures.
- Love letter-type communications between Hillary Clinton and her top Arabic aide, Huma Abedin.
- Dossiers on eight of the leading neo-cons who are paid to spy for Israel.
- The involvement of former President George H.W. Bush and Karl Rove in the fomenting of the Saudi attack on 9/11.
I would anticipate any or all of these.
I do not know a publication schedule but I would believe it would be determined by domestic American politics.”
Possible FBI/CIA Whistleblower Corroborates
On July 2, 2016, an anonymous individual going by the moniker MegaAnon began leaking classified intel on the website 4chan. This individual is a strong patriot and appears to belong to an alphabet soup agency, most likely the CIA. It is worth noting that this might be the same whistleblower we just mentioned who gave an interview with Victurus Libertas. To date, he has posted so much information it could fill a book. I have read all of it and it is highly compelling. For instance, he accurately predicted the Wikileaks release of the Pizzagate emails and their contents.
More recently, he has been discussing in great detail an upcoming publicly televised disclosure coinciding with mass arrests. This disclosure, he asserts, was only made possible after President Trump and the Alliance spent the better part of 2016 and 2017 sufficiently and strategically draining the swamp to enact these larger deathblows to the Cabal.
There is a massive amount of information posted by MegaAnon to sift through and he provides great specificity. For a full synopsis of his intel leaks and their accuracy with real world events, please refer to this chronological summary.
On October 16, 2017, MegaAnon posted some very provocative information regarding Trump and Sessions. Here is a small excerpt.
“And please remember, Trump knows and has known EXACTLY what Assange has…
It’s why he’s been able to be so bold and seem like he’s playing “4D chess” in front of the media by making claims about things like “wiretappings” and other loose statements that always seem to come true later.
This release is why he pretended not to know/ be mad about Sessions recusing himself from “Russia”, but he knew all along.
[He] also knew he couldn’t afford another bullshit Flynn loss the MSM and establishment would try to pull, had he not recused upfront.
It’s why Comey wasn’t REALLY FIRED. He did it to let Trump take it as a win, but Comey knew and they pre-negotiated his “surprise public firing”.
It’s why Mueller was put in place on purpose, but has unironically, only found more ties to collusion and criminal election fraud/activity back to the DNC, Hillary Campaign and shady GOP establishment, who has been involved in the attempted demise of Trump, all along.
When this is done, the FBI and CIA won’t have a f–ing leg to stand on.
And if Sessions/Trump hadn’t played their cards right… the DOJ wouldn’t have a leg either.”
Two days later, on October 18, Infowars picked up the story regarding the 4chan whistleblower’s intel on the upcoming disclosure.
“Julian Assange may release evidence showing Hillary Clinton colluded with Russia during the presidential election as well as the real extent of her crimes, says an anonymous source on 4Chan who has so proved to be far more credible than the mainstream media.
The evidence apparently stems from a file dump taken by the NYPD from Huma Abedin’s laptop that convicted sexual predator Anthony Weiner had access to.
“This dump will be broad,” says the source. “It will probably be the biggest file dump Wikileaks has ever published in size and when it’s out there, it’s going to leave NO DOUBT on things like, WHO colluded with Russia, WHY it was done, WHAT crimes Hillary (as Secretary of State AND as a presidential candidate) and the elite DNC/GOP/Obama administration, like Lynch, Comey, etc. actually committed.”
“Again, when it’s done you will have zero doubt as to who is actually guilty of crimes and election rigging.”
Here is a passage from one of the more recent and more exciting predictions he has posted to 4chan.
[October 26, 2017]
“Morning y’all!!! It SURE IS shaping up to be another GREAT day, isn’t it?!
Rarely do I feel the need to point out my own credibility so I’ll just remind you that this was filed independently yesterday, on behalf of Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. as the DEFENDANT. Note, it wasn’t filed by the DOJ or on behalf of an individual.
Now as yourselves this… why would this FACT, be important? Why would Donald J. Trump for President, INC. want to legally file this? What protections are afforded from the day organizations like “” are named/implicated, in a formally filed US District Supreme Court?
Hypothetically and all… if you were in the position of releasing valuable, leaked information you’ve obtained to the public, you’d probably want to first ensure the ball you PRE-NEGOTIATED federal protections on, was legally rolling, right? If you had secretly negotiated your terms with Rep. Dana Rohrabacher back in August and had agreed you’d keep a lid on your shit until the negotiated deadline of 10/21/17, then you’d also need to wait for the parties/campaign INC’s you negotiated with, to legally file action in favor of your protection, no?!
Except here’s the thing, as soon as you file ANYTHING with a federal US District Court, it BECOMES and is ADDED to accessible, PUBLIC RECORDS, isn’t it?!
So, if you’re trying to keep shit under wraps until you’re ready to pull a trigger, you’d probably wait to file what will become a matter of public record, until you absolutely have to do it, right?!
Y’all let paid /pol/trolls turn me into some “10/21 Assange release happening”, that I NEVER CLAIMED would actually happen, on the 21st. Instead of reading my well-documented, archived posts thoroughly and IN FULL for yourselves, y’all chose to become the LARP’s you claim you know better than to fall for…”
Another Intelligence Whistleblower Comes Forward and Corroborates
Even more recently than MegaAnon’s latest update, yet another whistleblower has begun corroborating the same leaks regarding imminent arrests and televised disclosure. Only, in this case, this particular Alliance member goes into greater detail that white hats within the Military, the Navy, and the National Guard will be dispatched to ensure a quick, efficient, and safe transition as there will surely be unrest during these announcements. He asserts that this will seem like a nefarious “martial law” type scenario, but it is entirely benevolent and ultimately intended to restore freedom.
Today, on November 3, 2017, Liz Crokin, one of the foremost investigative journalists reporting on Pizzagate and systemic pedophilia, announced that through the FBI’s investigation into Anthony Weiner’s laptop, they allegedly found a folder called “Life Insurance” which contained abuse material implicating very powerful individuals.
This is not the first time the investigation into Anthony Weiner’s “Life Insurance” evidence has been discussed by a news agency. On November 17, 2016, The Inquirer announced that the NYPD Special Victims Bureau had successfully pressured the FBI to open an investigation into Anthony Weiner’s laptop.
If we are to believe these whistleblowers, we can begin to conceptualize what dominoes will fall first. However, it is prudent to remember that the game is always changing and to be skeptical of disinformation in this highly confusing game of deception.
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