In 1947, a permanent “back channel” was created in the United States that would change the country, and the world, as we know it. The emergence of the CIA and its illegal operations, funded by dark money, would prove to be the ultimate weapon in the arsenal of the Elites. In THE RESET VOL. 3: DARK CHANNELS, MemoryHold explores the drug trafficking, human trafficking, and proxy wars – all funded by the CIA – that would forever prove to be a detriment to the free world, as well as those that dare act against it.
In the years following the creation of the Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA has been the suspected culprit in almost every major conspiracy theory that the uninitiated public is aware of. It has served as the scapegoat for every tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist – and the more reasonable ones – regardless of what the theory might be. This treatment can also be found throughout Hollywood, especially since they were the ones that created the archetype of the “conspiracy theorist” character to begin with – the same one that would become a standard trope in film later on down the line.
You’ve probably seen it yourself; the “conspiracy theorist” is almost always the guy that everyone else calls crazy; the walls in his room are decked out with maps and flowcharts that overlook his otherwise cluttered living space – a space that could have been cleaned had it not been for him spending copious amount of time on his computer – and sometimes is depicted as being unhealthy or hygienically challenged. That is, of course, until we segue into act 3 of the film where the characters that made fun of the conspiracy theorist see the Alien or the Monster with their own eyes for the first time and realize that the conspiracy theorist character was right all along, but it is too late because….well, you finish it off.
The immediate image that comes to someone’s mind when thinking of a “conspiracy theorist” is typically the character archetype I just mentioned. Despite having never seen a legitimate “conspiracy theorist” wear a tinfoil hat entirely under the impression he can deflect mind control frequencies emanating from Reptilians or whatever, people still use the tinfoil hat comment as a derogatory jab toward people like you and I. The reason for that is because they were programmed by Hollywood and others to view us that way, and the longer this false archetype is drilled into people’s heads through repetition, “authoritative sources”, and the strobing flickering lights beaming off our computer screens, the more removed society gets from the idea that there actually are intelligent, friendly, and reasonable people out there that simply entertain the potential truth of alternative theories.
One of the primary traits of the worn out “crazy conspiracy theorist” trope seen throughout Hollywood is that the crazy guy almost always tends to blame the world’s ills on a single entity: the CIA.
But why is this the case? Why is it that the C.I.A is the go-to entity to be blamed by conspiracy theorists both in real life, and in Hollywood? Why is it that every other intelligence or government agency escapes the infamous reputation the C.I.A has somehow obtained?
Although many people are quick to dismiss “Conspiracy Theories” and those who entertain them, very few of those people are able to tell you where the term may have come from to begin with, or what it really means. To most people, the term simply means “crazy, nonsensical ideas believed by equally crazy and nonsensical people” and has always existed.
However, the origin of the “Conspiracy Theory” is possibly a sort of conspiracy in and of itself. This idea was first put forth by political scientist Lance deHaven-Smith in his 2013 book “Conspiracy Theory in America”, and in it he suggests that the the term first entered everyday language in the United States after 1964, one year after JFK was killed and the same year the Warren Commission published its findings on his assasination. Soon after the commission published its findings, the New York Times ran five stories that featured the term “conspiracy theory”.
DeHaven-Smith’s suggestion has been countered, though. Michael Butter, a Professor of American Literary and Cultural History at the University of Tubingen, takes up issue with the following document in which de-Haven-Smith references to support his argument:
This document is concerning the Warren Report, and was publicly released in 1976. In it, there is no usage of the term “Conspiracy Theory” in the singular, but rather only mentions “conspiracy theories” once in the sentence “Conspiracy theories have frequently thrown suspicion on our organization, for example, by falsely alleging that Lee Harvey Oswald worked for us”
Regardless of whether or not the C.I.A really did create the term with the intention of discrediting alternative theories on important events, the simple fact is that it worked perfectly anyway. As time went on, and with the help of TV, Radio, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media creating the “mentally unstable conspiracy theorist wackjob” archetype we see so often in our entertainment, the term now evokes only the potent mental image of exactly that for anyone who hears it. The image of a tinfoil hat-wearing nutjob that believes in outlandish and impossible things. Meanwhile, because of these artificial associations between tin foil hatters and the term pushed on us by the media, we lose sight of what the term really means: the simple idea that a crime was perpetrated by a group of individuals who conspired with one another in order to achieve a particular objective. That is a Conspiracy, and it’s a legitimate crime that can be prosecuted in a court of law.
Despite all of that, it really doesn’t matter unfortunately; people perceive conspiracy theorists in a negative light because they are victims of decades worth of programming.
Earlier, I asked why it was that the C.I.A has managed to earn this infamous reputation as depicted in mainstream entertainment, and why they are so commonly blamed by conspiracy theorists and others for much of the world’s ills.
There’s really no good way to say this…but it’s because they are responsible for a lot of it. Some of the world’s most horrific moments that have caused unfathomable amounts of pain and suffering around the world have been perpetrated by this single organization, and even worse, they orchestrate it from the shadows, enjoying complete secrecy with limited to no governmental oversight to stop them from continuing. Even if some safeguards are in place that attempt to regulate the CIA and other agencies like it, they are unable to do so thoroughly due to much of its operations remain hidden even from Congress. In almost every incident that changed our country or the world as a whole, behind it is a shadowy group of individuals associated with this agency.
It isn’t only average citizens and conspiracy theorists that recognize this fact.
This quote by JFK is considered to be of dubious origin if referring to recent mainstream media articles on it. However, it was originally published in the April 25, 1966 edition of the New York Times – a news source well regarded as being a credible “authoritative source” to many, unfortunately.
President Harry Truman was the president whose administration established the C.I.A to begin with in 1947.
It’s intriguing to hear two former U.S Presidents – the one who played a role in creating the C.I.A, and another who was famously resistant to the agency – speak this way about an intelligence agency that is supposed to have the country’s national security and best interests at heart.
Perhaps it is a coincidence, then, that Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 34th president who was elected after 33rd President Harry Truman, warned of the military industrial complex.
Keeping in mind this statement by Eisenhower about the existence of a “Military Industrial Complex” – as well as the danger it poses – and this speech by JFK before his assassination in 1963, one may begin to wonder what type of shadowy group these men were aware of.
Even if we’ll never know for sure exactly who these men were referencing in these speeches and why they felt it necessary to warn the public about, the information that is publicly available to us makes it clear that there is indeed some type of shadowy undercurrent beneath the political machine – Dark Channels that were created long ago for the purpose of obscuring this groups existence from the eye of the public and providing them with the means to acquire vast material resources and seize power in countries around the world….all while remaining undetected.
Before the second world war broke out, the US Government mostly left intelligence to those in charge of American foreign policy – entities like the Department of State and the armed services. Diplomats and Attaches would collect the bulk of foreign intelligence, but it was mostly through the course of standard business, although occasionally intelligence was obtained through clandestine meetings with secret contacts. The state and military at this time had their own security and counterintelligence procedures, and the Navy and Army created separate offices to decipher foreign communications.
Senior diplomat Robert Murphy – who coincidentally was also a member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group – later reflected: “it must be confessed that our Intelligence organization in 1940 was primitive and inadequate. It was timid, parochial, and operating strictly in the tradition of the Spanish-American War.”
Another European war loomed over the world in the late 1930s, and the fears of Communism and Fascism pushed President Franklin D. Roosevelt requested greater coordination by the different intelligence arms across different departments. His request was not taken enthusiastically, and it was not until he made the request once more a year later did the gears get turning. Because of this, a new civilian office attached to the White House would be created by FDR on July 11th, 1941: the Coordinator of Information (COI).
It wasn’t long after its creation that the COI expanded its responsibilities and transformed into the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) – the title of which reflected the importance of intelligence and clandestine operations in modern war. On June 13th, 1942, the OSS was created and got to work.
For five years, the OSS worked fervently throughout the war, and did so right up until its conclusion.
Following World War II, the Truman administration created the CIA out of its predecessor, the OSS. Like all of the mechanisms of societal control covered thus far in this series, the C.I.A – and the evil it would eventually come to spread across the globe – emerged from the bloodshed of a world war. Unfortunately, unlike the world control groups like the Council on Foreign relations and the propaganda disseminated by compromised mainstream media outlets, the CIA has the ability to remain completely in the shadows; they report to no government branch, lack any congressional oversight, and obtain the necessary resources for their operations not through hearings and democratic votes, but through the type of crimes the average person would assume is reserved for cartels, human traffickers, and terrorists. All in the name of national security.
With the passing of the National Security Act of 1947, a monster was born – one far different than our country had ever seen before.
One can imagine the potential for an entity like the CIA to be useful to world control groups like the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, and Council on Foreign Relations; after all, the CIA’s predecessor – the OSS – was almost entirely composed of wealthy elites from its creation. But what would these uses entail, exactly?
Now, If you were to watch anything about the CIA on any mainstream platform, the details would be notedly different than what the CIA actually does.
In a way, I suppose this commercial is accurate. After all, the CIA is completely inclusive in that they’re open to assassinate, overthrow, or manipulate any country of the world no matter where it is. With that said, let’s examine a chronological list of CIA atrocities and see for ourselves why it is that they are blamed for so many of the world’s terrible events.
Bearing in mind the current political climate and the tendency of many people to accuse others like you and I of being Nazis, let’s flash back to the Nuremberg Trials held after World War 2 in 1945. The Nuremberg Trials were a series of military tribunals held by Allied forces under international law, and were most notable for the prosecution of prominent and high ranking members of Nazi Germany who planned and carried out the Holocaust. In order to have this trial to begin with, of course, one must locate and capture the Nazis – many of whom were undoubtedly attempting to flee at that time – who committed these horrific war crimes to begin with. However, while multiple American agencies were hunting down Nazi war criminals for arrest, the U.S intelligence community was actively cooperating with these same men, and, if that isn’t bad enough already – they were smuggling them into America to go completely unpunished.
The smuggling of Nazis out of Germany and into the United States was done in part by people like Allen Dulles on behalf of the OSS in what we now know was called “Operation Paperclip” in which 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from Nazi Germany and smuggled into the U.S for government employment after World War II. Many of these nazis were former leaders of the nazi party, and went on to hold influential positions in different facets of American industry as well. Take Wernher Von Braun for instance: the group of Nazis he was with were assimilated by US intelligence agencies into NASA where Von Braun would end up serving as director of the Marshall Space Flight Center and chief architect of the Saturn V launch vehicle that allowed the Apollo spacecraft to get to the moon.
When we think about the CIA, most of us think about covert actions; secret spy missions that include sneaking around and committing acts of espionage or sabotage against enemy combatants. Those activities stem from the covert action wing of the CIA which was created in 1948 by Wall Street lawyer Frank Wisner and was officially called “Office of Policy Coordination”, which is an entirely mundane title given to a branch of the CIA that in their own words would be responsible for “propaganda, economic warfare, preventive direct action, including sabotage, antisabotage, demolition and evacuation procedures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance groups, and support of indigenous anti-communist elements in threatened countries of the free world.”.
In the same year, the agency would go on to corrupt the democratic elections in Italy. Because communists winning the elections were not in the best interest of the United States and its allies, the CIA swung the elections by buying votes, broadcasting propaganda, infiltrating and disrupting political organizations, and even threatening to beat up opposition leaders. Because of the CIA’s influence, the communists were defeated.
One year later in 1949, the CIA created its first major propaganda outlet called Radio Free Europe, and the outlet would continue to receive covert CIA funding until the early 1970s. In some cases, its broadcasts were blatantly false and for a time it was considered illegal to publish transcripts of the broadcasts in the United States.
In episode 2 of this series, we spoke heavily about the effects propaganda has over the minds of the masses, and how huge the implications would be if propaganda would be purposefully weaponized by groups like the CIA and turned against us. While Radio Free Europe was targeting the citizens of countries in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Middle East, it appears that a later CIA endeavor initiated in the early years of the Cold War called Operation Mockingbird would end up targeting citizens here at home.
Headed by Frank Wisner – the same man responsible for the creation of the CIA’s covert action wing – the CIA begins recruiting American news organizations and journalists to become spies and disseminators of propaganda. Others that were involved included Allan Dulles, Richard Helmes, and Phillip Graham – the publisher of the Washington Post. As time moved on, the media assets under the control of the CIA would come to include ABC, CBS, NBC, Newsweek, Time, Associated Press, Reuters, and many others. By the CIA’s own admission, there was at least 25 organizations and 400 journalists that eventually became CIA assets.
If someone was under the impression that CIA-sponsored overthrows of democratically elected leaders around the world was a rare occurrence, they’d be wrong; in 1953 another CIA-backed overthrow was underway…this time, in Iran.
According to declassified CIA documents, the most feared mobsters in Tehran were hired by the CIA in order to stage pro-Shah riots across the city. Other men were also paid by the CIA and bussed in to Tehran to help take over the streets of the city. Because of these actions, between 200-300 people – possibly more – would be killed in the conflict. These events would culminate in Prime Minister Mosaddegh’s removal as leader of Iran, and he would eventually be tried and convicted of treason. Others that supported him were imprisoned and received the death penalty. In 2013, the U.S Government formally acknowledged the role the U.S played in the coup, and admitted to being in charge of both the planning and execution of the coup. This included the bribing of Iranian politicians and dissemination of pro-coup propaganda.The CIA has also stated that the coup was undertaken “under CIA direction”
The CIA had a busy year in 1953. Not only were they spending their time overthrowing democratically elected leaders in the Middle East, but back home they were also fervently working on perfecting the newly discovered craft of brainwashing and mind control.
The infamous MK Ultra project was initiated in 1953, and is known for the heinous and illegal activities undertaken by scientists, doctors, and other so-called “professionals” in the name of achieving complete and total control over an individual’s mind. To achieve this objective, the CIA used unwitting test subjects – citizens of the U.S, Canada, and possibly other countries – for their experiments. They used numerous methods to manipulate the mental states of thousands; techniques included the covert administration of high doses of psychoactive drugs like LSD, electroshocks, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, in addition to other forms of torture. Some victims of these experiments were apparently so badly damaged that they lost their ability of toilet training, while other victims of MK Ultra’s “psychic driving” experiments completely obliterated a lifetime full of memories. Others like Frank Olsen died because of the experiments. The research was carried out through multiple CIA front companies and included upward of 80 institutions which included colleges, universities, hospitals, prisons, as well as pharmaceutical companies.
Fast forward three years, and the fruits of Radio Free Europe seemed to have come to fruition in Hungary. In 1956 the Hungarian Revolution began, and the revolt appears to have been started in part by the broadcasting of Kruschev’s Secret Speech by Radio Free Europe. The broadcast allegedly hints that the Americans would directly aid the Hungarians in their uprising, but the aid fails to materialize and tragically ends in the vicious stomping-out of the revolt. The numbers of casualties vary anywhere from 3,000 killed and 13,000 wounded to numbers far larger than that.
Shifting our attention now briefly to Panama, another example of the CIA’s handiwork would be the US-backed overthrow of Panama’s dictator Manuel Noriega in the late 1980s. Noriega had long been a valuable asset to the US and the CIA, and in fact had been on the CIA’s payroll since at least 1966. According to this Reuters article, Noriega had formed the hemisphere’s first narcokleptocracy while the United States had full knowledge of his drug trafficking operations, and the footage you are seeing on your screen now is the US invasion of Panama, a consequence of CIA activity related to Noriega in the years leading up to this.
In order to achieve regime change or overthrow elected leaders in countries around the world, the United States can’t just outright state that they’re doing so, of course. They rely on training and funding rebel groups within that country to act as a proxy and do it for them. In most cases though, the groups the CIA wants to recruit for an overthrow don’t have the material resources on hand that’s required to topple their government. Because of that, they need weapons; and in cases like Iran Contra, the CIA is more than happy to assist them with that.
The Iran Contra affair is extremely complex, and therefore most of its details are outside the scope of this video. However, a simple description of the events would be that it was a political scandal in the United States that occurred during Ronald Regan’s second term in the 1980s, and describes the trafficking and sales of weapons to Iran in order to fund and train the Contras in Nicaragua, which were a group of anti-sandinista rebels bent on resisting the socialist government of Nicaragua.
These actions had a major trickle-down effect, and it wouldn’t take long before the consequences of conducting these types of covert operations in Nicaragua and elsewhere would be felt here in the United States….especially in the cities. The consequences came in the form of the crack-cocaine epidemic of the 1980s which would eventually almost obliterate the low income black neighborhoods in cities across the country, and on top of that, it would initiate the failed War on Drugs that have destroyed countless lives across the country….and still does. If it wasn’t journalist Gary Webb and his Dark Alliance series, we may have never known about it. According to Webb, the operation went as follows:
“For the better part of a decade, a San Francisco Bay Area drug ring sold tons of cocaine to the Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles and funneled millions in drug profits to a Latin American guerrilla army run by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. [This drug ring] opened the first pipeline between Colombia’s cocaine cartels and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles [and, as a result,] the cocaine that flooded in helped spark a crack explosion in urban America.”
In order to support these claims, Webb primarily focused on three men: Ricky Ross, Oscar Danilo Blandon, and Norwin Meneses. According to Webb, Ricky Ross was a major dealer in LA, and Blandon and Meneses were Nicaraguans who smuggled the drugs into the country and supplied dealers like Ross. Webb claims that all three had relationships with the Contras as well as the CIA, and the only reason they were not successfully prosecuted or do so in a timely fashion is mostly due to their CIA and Contra connections.
The crack cocaine epidemic is a perfect example of how the actions of the CIA either directly or indirectly affect US citizens here at home, and unfortunately, this discovery by Gary Webb may have been the exact reason he ended up dying in what we’re told is a suicide at a fairly young age. However, this isn’t the only example of how operations undertaken by the CIA have ended up hurting the very citizens they’re supposed to protect.
We know that MK Ultra – the CIAs mind control program – included the illegal experimentation on unwitting American citizens. Although that is bad enough as it is, that wasn’t the only domestic covert operation the CIA engaged in. Take Operation CHAOS for example: the CIA had been illegally spying on American citizens since 1959 – perhaps earlier – but this operation significantly boosted the spying efforts. As the Vietnam war was raging, so too were the heated protests against it. The protests were primarily spearheaded by students across the country, and with President Johnson’s approval, the CIA began infiltrating these campus organizations while posing as student radicals. The stated purpose of this operation was apparently to find Russian instigators, though none were found. Under CHAOS, at least 7,000 people and 1,000 organizations were spied on by the CIA.
One of the more Important examples of domestic CIA operations is Operation Midnight Climax, a sub-project of MK Ultra. This operation is extremely important not only because of the implications of targeting American citizens, but because this is the operation that initiated the practice of sexual blackmail as a form of control. In 1954, the CIA created a web of safe houses across the San Francisco area where prostitutes on CIA payroll would lure in unsuspecting johns to have sex with, and would proceed to drug them with LSD while CIA agents monitored and recorded the acts from behind a one way mirror. Because of this operation, several significant operational techniques were developed in this theater – one of the most important being the craft of sexual blackmail.
As I mentioned a few moments ago, these covert operations undertaken by the CIA tend to have a trickle down effect that ends up negatively impacting the average American citizen. Aside from the explosion of the crack cocaine epidemic that decimated inner city black families in the 1980s, there are two other examples of this trickle down effect that come to mind: the infamous Charles Manson, and the also infamous Unabomber.
At first, one may wonder how two serial killers could have anything to do with the CIA. However, if you take a moment to consider what it is Manson is known for – brainwashing people into committing murder for him and The Family’s consistent use of psychadelic drugs like LSD – the pieces begin to come together. According to this article by the Guardian, Manson may have been used as a guinea pig by a CIA-connected doctor that was heavily involved in the CIA’s mind control project, MK Ultra.
Regarding Ted Kazinski, the Unabomber, most of the public refers to him as yet another psychotic serial killer – a man bent on committing acts of pure evil and using bombs sent through the mail in order to achieve this evil. However, what many people fail to realize is the fact that Kazinski was also swept up in a covert CIA operation, and like Manson, it just so happened to be the mind control program MK Ultra. While Kazinski attended Harvard university, he was one of the students that was experimented on and dosed with copious amounts of LSD. Through MK Ultra and its sub-projects, the agency was attempting to find ways to bring people to their psychological breaking point; taking even a cursory look at the actions of Manson, the Family, and the Unabomber, it appears as if the CIA found exactly what they were looking for.
In episode one of this series, I identified and examined some of the World Control Groups that are responsible for guiding the trajectory of society on this planet. We discussed the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Bilderberg group, and how these groups drive legislation and political change from above formal government parameters. Now that we understand a little more about the sordid history of the CIA and their involvement in weapons trafficking, government overthrows, and drug trafficking, it’s time to take a look at what role the CIA plays in the New World Order/Great Reset agenda. To do that, one doesn’t have to look much further than the membership lists of each of these world control groups:
As you can see, it appears as if there’s quite a bit of overlap between these influential think tanks and the Central Intelligence Agency. This isn’t the only overlap, either; many of those in the council on foreign relations are also on the trilateral commission, which also hosts a fair number of former CIA personnel and Epstein associates. While no one can say with complete confidence how exactly this system works in its entirety, it is safe to say that the world control groups may serve as the “brain” of the “Illuminati” for lack of a better term, while the CIA serves as the secretive frontline forces that fund and carry out the necessary actions to make these visions a reality.
It’s the information in this video that really makes someone look at the Jeffrey Epstein situation through an entirely different lens than what he’s primarily known for, which is child trafficking. What was it that he was also known for?
And aren’t their rumors about Epstein possibly being a weapons trafficker and spy?
And wasn’t Jeffrey Epstein a member of both the Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations?
If you take the history of the CIA’s involvement in drug trafficking, sexual blackmail, and weapons trafficking, you begin to see that Jeffrey Epstein may have fit in quite well in the shadowy circles of spycraft and espionage. But surely the CIA doesn’t engage in child trafficking like Epstein did though, right?
A single glance at the police records on the Finders Cult – a group that came to the police and FBI’s attention for their potential child trafficking activity – indicates otherwise.
Anonymous says
Great work on part 3! I like the way you show the basic logic of what the CIA did in the past, they still do. Why wouldn’t they? These are good length also. As you know attention spans are short for the normies.
Anonymous says
Always leave us wanting more.
Cynth64Law says
Liked this the best and I hope there’s more to come!! The compilation of historical sequences and truthful exposure of corruption was riveting!
Em22 says
Its mindblowing how anyone can think the sudden rise of BLM members and Antifa, running around burning down bldgs, looting and rioting, never being stopped or arrested was just a coincidence or was bc “OraNge mAn bAD” and ‘mUh raCisM’!! ESP after hearing about Tiran (spelling might be wrong, but you get the idea)…like how can anyone STILL think the CIA or FBI is a good idea?? They serve NO good purpose to the USA, only the wealthy overlords that run these groups. Makes me SICK to know there isnt shit we can do either
BatTikvah says
I don’t think it’s an accident that a lot of tin foil hats are shaped like dunce caps.