Legacy media and compromised politicians continue to gaslight the American people about the events of January 6, 2021. PARDON US: JUSTICE FOR ALL tells the truth about our weaponized justice system and why the J6 hostages deserve pardons of innocence.
As the auto industry transitions to electric, China is seizing the opportunity to undermine other nations, profit from inferior and dangerous products, and exploit humans and the environment in the process. In SHIFTING INTO POWER VOL 1: CHINA’S ELECTRIC INVASION, Loyal Nine investigates how the auto industry is a vector for attack on the modern irregular battlefield.
Why does high fashion seem so demonic? Why are some of the world’s largest brands attempting to normalize pedophilia? In DARKNESS BY DESIGN – PART 1: BAALENCIAGA, Rise Attire investigates the occult ideology that has subverted the fashion brand Balenciaga.
After more than a century of coverups, is our civilization close to official acknowledgement of extraterrestrials? What transformative technologies have been withheld from the public? Created by Adam Riva, PRECIPICE argues that our inevitable moment of interplanetary assimilation is near.
Throughout the 20th century and prior, Catholic orphanages were “pipelines” for child predators. Based on new evidence, we now know that Pope Francis, Pope Benedict, and Pope John Paul were complicit in the coverup. Written and edited by Adam Riva, A BLIND EYE VOL. 4: DELIVER US FROM EVIL exposes the Catholic Church’s involvement in child trafficking rings, the physical and psychological torture of orphans, and even murder.
Out of chaos comes order. Is this why the CIA armed and financed Osama bin Laden and the mujahideen in the 1980s? Written by Ryan DeLarme and edited by Loyal Nine, ORDER OUT OF CHAOS VOL 4: CYCLONE opens the file on the covert program to prop up the supposed future mastermind of the September 11th attacks.
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